New Design - Customization thread

Thank you for the heads-up. Because this is going to mean BIG work for those of us that have customized our sites, what is the rollout timeline? Inside of a year? Inside of 6mos? I need to budget for paying for customization as I'm not going to have time to mess with it when you guys flip the switch.
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Here's a little hitch in the roll-out plan. If you give this new style to non-customized accounts first (as mentioned by onethumb), then none of the helpers here on dgrin (who have all customized their site) will be able to help anyone who's new and shows up at dgrin for customization help because our own accounts won't have the new style. I'd suggest you revisit the plan that gives your dgrin helpers the new style last. That doesn't make sense to me.
One other big glitch is that there are tens of thousands of posts on dgrin and tutorials with customization advice (primarily CSS, but also JS) that will now be out-of-date and completely wrong. This is already a bit of a problem now because the site has been changed in small ways over the years, but now it's going to be a large problem. Anyone searching for help on how to customize is going to be highly likely to find old and wrong advice. This has always been one of the general problems with using search to find customization advice on dgrin, but now dgrin search is going to find nearly 100% wrong info.
FWIW, I agree with Allen that truncating HTML in the gallery description is going to break a lot of pages and you haven't offered any other way to achieve what people were doing with that. It would be very bad to lose the ability to put arbitrary HTML in a gallery page as that is a very useful tool.
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different name. So everyone starts from scratch customizing.
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--- Denise
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If you have other plans to enable custom HTML pages that folks could use instead, then please share enough of those plans so folks know how to take the new restrictions on gallery descriptions and captions and whether that's OK or whether they should help you guys understand why those restrictions are going to ruin sites and probably lose customers and certainly lose a lot of loyalty. Breaking a lot of customizations is one thing (and requiring a lot of work to redo them), but providing no way to accomplish in the new world what folks have built in the old world is a deal breaker for many. Please clarify.
Just to give you one example of a use of both script and HTML in a gallery description, there are people who have implemented their own custom slideshow in the gallery description and hidden the rest of the gallery chrome (in most cases because your gallery slideshow uses flash and is not customizable in any way). Are you allowing people to still do things like that?
Other people put important purchase information there that's more than one line and may include buttons or links.
Other people make their own custom HTML pages using gallery description (contact, services, about, etc...).
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Hi folks, please do not panic. Thanks and stay tuned for more.
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I use Journal Old a lot and when the new journal was released it scared me quite a bit as the handwriting was now on the wall. I am all for new and slick designs, but one of the things that I love most about smugmug is having full control over how our website looks and feels.
Seems like those of us who have a ton of CSS and html are kind of being thrown under the bus.
I also have faith that smugmug has our backs and so far you have never let us down. Please don't make this hard on us.
A timeline on these new features would be very helpful. If I have to begin recoding the website it would be nice to know it before it gets revamped and I have to scramble to get pages that work the way we intend it.
I understand the need to change in order to keep up with industry standards, but I am very scared about how much work I will need to do to keep my customizations. I have spent uncountable hours customizing my site (which I could not have done without the help of everyone here) and I am not looking forward to spending that much more time redoing everything or even worse losing customizations that I have now. I think their are a ton of people with customized pages that are going to be losing much sleep over this. I know you say that help will be provided during the changeover, but nonetheless I'm still scared s***less.
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Our Sneak Peek experiment isn't quite ready for customization discussion, so we moved all of that over here. When we're ready for that stage of the rollout, we'll start talking about it right here.
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Simple solution. Before taking anything away from the customization of gallery descriptions, introduce your new HTML page functionality. Then, everyone can plainly see what the replacement functionality looks like, how it works and what it's capabilities or limitations are. Then, and only then, can you get legitimate feedback on what it means to reduce the customizing capabilities in gallery descriptions. Right now, you have all the info, we have none so, of course, we're fearing a loss of functionality.
Introduce the new capability first before you remove the old capability. Then, assess how well the new thing is working for all of us before you throw any switches on the old thing (I'm sure we'll have lots of feedback for you).
The grand mistake was not introducing the new functionality before telling us you were going to take something away.
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Seeing the new would definitely remove the unknown and hopefully some of the fear of not being able to replace what we currently have.
--- Denise
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photo galleries. They have to stay with every page in the gallery.
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Great commonsense from John :-) - Follow me on G+
So far, here are some I have found or others have posted about:
Event data and event-search:
Extended navigation for relevant parts of the site:
Site Index:
Photo Summary and Keyword Index:
Please add more examples as responses to this post.
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Some simpler examples of HTML in gallery descriptions and image captions:
To link to related external sites:
To style text and to insert an email link:
To use a Journal-style gallery as a blog: Under a representative small image for each entry, I use HTML to format/style text, to link to the full gallery of related photos, and to insert a dividing line between entries.
my category replacement:
a mixture of galleries and my subcat replacement:
>>> the first entry on this screen is the equivalent of a subcat
>>> second entry is a gallery
>>> third entry is the equivalent of a subcat
>>> entry titled Coastal New England wanders contains a combination of a subcat equivalent and galleries
My kaleidoscope page at is an html-only page containing both text and photos.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Not gallery specifically, but I use some custom HTML on my home page:
I use a <h1> tag in the description on each photo to add a title, such as this (Tunnel View): Would love to see a separate IPTC 'Title', just like the 'Description' field is now. <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
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If you have other unanswered concerns about customizations in the new design, feel free to ask and I'll see what info I can offer.
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I don't yet have a good handle on how the transition will work other than the fact that we'll have a sandbox to work in to get it the way we want without affecting the public site. What I'm expecting is that common types of customizations will be fairly cookie cutter for how to modify them whereas completely unique customizations will require more work (but unsure how much). Smugmug has said they are assembling resources to help people in this transition, but they didn't share specifics for how that would work (automated tools, people to help, tutorials, etc...).
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