Photoshop upgrade ...

I'm in process of trading my 5 year-old Dell XPS with Photoshop CS3 for something new, and am wrestling with waiting for CS6 rather than jumping into CS5. I've talked with Adobe, and although very quiet on predictions, persons there feel CS6 is no more than 3-4 months away, and typically CS3-CS5 (up to 3 generations) would be able to upgrade for only about $200. I've no specifics to lean on, but if CS3 has been great, and CS5 is 2 generations greater, than why not get the unknown latest and greatest in CS6? Any of you DG'rs out there have input that might sway me one way or the other?
Many thanks in advance ...
Many thanks in advance ...
See my work at Policy is to initially upload 10-20 images from each shoot, then a few from various of the in-process shoots each time I log on, until a shoot is completely uploaded.
lots of improvements , looks better , feels better
im no expert on PS , its just my opinion after using this test-version for some weeks
its not that easy
it seems [
so , i think , either upgrade twice , or pay for full , dont know whats better
Oops, not what they told me at Adobe, but as said, they were kind of sketchy. I'll look back into this. Certainly not looking to go $400 when I thought I could go $200, and doubly certainly not looking to go even more for totally new. Thanks for the heads up ...
Yes, I think that's the policy now. If you want CS6 at the upgrade price, you must have CS5.
Adobe may think they are the best , i dont
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Or perhaps there's a third alternative.
like what ?
i dont like paying hundreds of bucks each year , life is too expensive for that ATM
for now and years to come , im happy with current version
there are more alternatives , like Corel
I meant there may be other interpretations of the situation besides "Adobe is greedy" and "customers have been getting a lenient ride."
We're in a global recession that is getting worse. Few businesses can continue with the same policies as in better economic times. Businesses the size of Adobe ($3+ billion in sales) don't just suddenly and arbitrarily decide to make a policy change like this. They do lots of market research to try to learn what will work.
A lot of customers don't like the new policy because it will cost them more money. I understand that. But it's a bit childish to leap from one's own personal dissatisfaction to the gratuitous conclusion that Adobe is just being "greedy." They have to satisfy their customers, of course, but they also have to satisfy their stockholders. The picture is much larger and more complex than most of the gripers seem to realize.
Many will be like you: happy to stay with the current version. Many others, like me, will be happy to upgrade with each new version that comes out (though it isn't each year as you suggest). I suspect that Adobe has done its homework and concluded from the evidence that, all things considered, they'll be better off financially under this new policy. Maybe they're wrong. Maybe this will prove to be another New Coke, which was a colossal blunder . Then again, maybe it will pay off for Adobe. Time will tell.
if you care to scroll a bit up ,
you will see that " Adobe's getting greedy " is not a quote from me !!!???!!!
I didn't attribute that to you. I was quoting the other person who said that. (That's why I said "one's own" personal opinion rather than "your" opinion.)
Sorry, it was RovingEyePhoto who mentioned greed. For some reason, when I click on quote/reply to his post, it puts your name at the top. I didn't catch that when I replied to him.
Yep, policy was changed about a week ago according to Adobe staff talked to today. Caught a break, though, Black Friday seems to have carried over and allowed 30% discount on upgrade from CS3 to CS5, so I grabbed it. I'm confident CS5 will carry me for some time to come ...
Just MHO.
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That is my way of thinking also.
i got an email from a close friend in the Czech Republic telling he just bought CS5 for $75USD...he paid for it in kournas of came from Moscow and works perfectly , he even registered it.....damn Europeans...
That is about what I paid for my hard copy of CS when I was in Prague back in 2003......
in fact you dont need LR , but its really handy
in LR you dont need to save nor exit your photo to edit the next one , like it is with ACR
all changes remain in the list , you can go back all the time , with all your photo's
you only need to leave LR for editing ( copy / paste / mask and such ) , but for normal processing , it can do anything