New SM - Homepage Slideshow

Has anyone found a way to add a border to the homepage slideshow?
Also, I'll join the bandwagon in wanting a random start feature for the slideshow.
Also, I'll join the bandwagon in wanting a random start feature for the slideshow.
I was just starting to look for a way to do this too.
Here is the code I used for my border-radius
Thanks, I really like that look.
Ended up removing the first part:
.sm-tile-content {
position: relative;
display: block;
background-color: transparent!important;
overflow: visible;
As it messed up my folder views.
The reason I have that there is if you look very close at the edges it shows the background a little that why I have it on transparent.
ps I'm trying to get my new SMUG in order.
under your customize site chose the folder options and display
Info Style = Under
.sm-tile-content {
position: relative;
display: block;
background-color: transparent!important;
overflow: visible;
} .sm-image {
-webkit-box-shadow: .5px .5px 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
box-shadow: .5px .5px 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
max-width: 95%}
.sm-slideshow {border-style:ridge;border-width:18px;}
FYI - I forgot to mention that I'm still playing in the sandbox so you won't be able to see my new version online.
Thanks for this .. I love the rounded corners. One question .. is there a CSS setting to modify the spacing between rows in the folder view? I've been looking at the page source but I suck at CSS. Thanks again for sharing the code.
This is the code i used so the spacing is good for me and its centered on the page
I found and tried getting the text to go under instead of at the bottom of the gallery images. None of them worked! Noticed your comment above and that is exactly what I used. Nothing changed. Tried each option and saved or Published, etc. Just did this an hour ago. Wonder why it did not work for me?
Make sure you saved it. but without being able to look at your site I'm not sure.
That's how I got it to work for me.
Thanks for the info!!
Taking this idea a bit further...
on my folder pages I'm using collage landscape view with 48px spacing (so their not all butted together).
I'd love to accomplish what you have on your folder page!
I tried adding each and both of the codes provided ( to the "all folders" setting) with no results (if I knew anything about coding other than cut and paste it's surely obvious they wouldn't work).
Any thoughts / suggestions ?
Does anyone know:
1) If the captions on a slideshow page can be moved to the top of an image (like on my home page I would prefer the captions at the top)
2) How to make a slideshow page start from a random image in the gallery so visitors don't always see the first image
3) And for the regular slideshow you get to from the Galleries, is there a way to show the caption like the slideshow page style does?
4) I noticed that on my Recent Uploads Page the slideshow button is limited to showing only 20 pictures before it repeats at the beginning: