Weekly Assignment #101: Sun behind leaf

You know what I'm talking about: that chilly crisp winter morning, low-hanging sun, one of the last leaves still grasping the dried up branch. At any rate, unless you're in a total desert or behind of one of the Polar Circles, you gotta have all three important ingredients: some sort of leaf to fill your frame with, an unobstructed sun to provide the back-lighting, and the camera to capture this whole thing.
Fresh pictures only, moderate PP (b/w or duotone is OK), multiple entries OK if they are substantially different.
Let's get some sun-back-lit leaves!
Fresh pictures only, moderate PP (b/w or duotone is OK), multiple entries OK if they are substantially different.
Let's get some sun-back-lit leaves!
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I do have some not very old shots from Napa tho - wanna see them?
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There hasn't been any leaves here for over a month.
You gotta get out more NIk.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
OK, a thick bunch of the pine needles will do!
It sure won't be for a few days.
We're on the east edge, central Minn. waiting for up to 10 inches of snow.
(You know I'm just playing right?)
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
First post... here goes...
Here's my entry for this one.
Canon 40D
EF 28-135 IS USM
Speedlight 580EX II
But how about a version with the sun *directly* behind the leaves?
I thought I had a lot more, but not truly backlit.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Here's one from the series of "iced leaves" I took for the challenge a few weeks back:
Delete them if you need to - sorry about that! (However I too am fresh out of leaves in this part of the world right now - we haven't had any for at least a month....)
I like the leaves in ice shots. They are cool!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
Last one for this assignment . . . promise!
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
The word "directly" is in neither the assignment title nor the description.
To avoid lens flare, I did the same as most everyone else and placed the sun behind and slightly to one side. I did add some fill flash (and curves) to preserve detail in the shadows, but all three images are backlit by the sun, and each bunch of leaves contains at least one leaf is not backlit and shows direct reflection from the sun.
As an example, please study the bottom leaf in my third post. You'll see three things: 1) backlighting on the lower right edge 2) direct reflection on top and 3) also on top, shadows on the camera side of the veins.
So there.
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather