Bi-Weekly Discussion Thread: Mini-Rants
I'm sure you every once in a while we all get this client that needs a bit more attention or things just don't happen the way they were supposed to (/ the way you planned them anyway).
Mini-Rants! Let's hear it! :lynnma :rofl
Mini-Rants! Let's hear it! :lynnma :rofl
We wanna hear stories, (.... / no names!
Rant 1:
I had a gorgeous looking bridesmaid in one of my last weddings. She was throwing a fit / making a stupid photo in EVERY SINGLE photo!!!
Rant 2:
I ran into one of my ex-couples (from wayyyy) at one of my weddings .... one that *I* sure did not connect with. So, I was just zooming around at the cocktail hour, when I spotted them staring at me ...
Rant 3:
I have stupid spots on my sensor and still 1000 photos to go trough :bash
Rant 4:
My second shooter took a freaking AMAZING shot (hi Corey
Rant 5:
I got something extra prints for 2 couples (I shot their eng pics). Now they want me to ship them. I thought I'd just bring it in the day of (it's for the signing boards) ... 'caus you know ... I am doing this for FREE. But now they "insist on me sending it" and I am getting a litttttle bit irritated 'caus 1) I have no hard paper envelopes handy, and 2) I have absolutely no time now to get any either. SO much for being NICE!
Rant 6:
I posted some wedding pics on FB. And one of the bridesmaids sent me a REALLY nice message, telling me how much she loved the photos + how she recommended me to 500 people already. Aaaaanyway. It was a really nice message, so I figured I'd send her some pics of her. 5 minutes later I get an email, telling me that her her looked too light. Lady (you are really nice, BUT), you did die it platinum white, what should I do about that??
What do we get out of the last 2 rants? > Don't EVER be nice to other people!!
as for your last rant, Photoshop electric blue over the platinum white. Easy peasy!
Just about
I laugh.
Photos requested.
OH MY GOSH!!! You WIN, hahahaha
awesome! That better make it into the album!!
Thanks for sharing, it's fun to see those photos too every once in a while!
Many years ago I had an interesting situation. Brides parents had divorced many years before as the father's business was going nowhere.
After they split up, mother marries Mr.Average and Dads business then takes off big time. He gets the face lift, hair transplant and the new Mercedes Sl. Plus the trophy wife!
Made for an interesting day as the bride wanted her parents only in the picture, and dad wanted his new babe in as well. The mother spent the whole afternoon just staring at the new wife.
Groom: "I don't like that all the ceremony shots are from the back of the church and the balcony"
Church Rules: "Photography is permitted only from the back of the church or from the balcony. Permission needed to use the balcony"
Sorry mate!
... nothing *I* like to talk about (:poke), but let's see what you guys think. Any questions? Recommendations? Advice?
Ohhh, yiiikes Agnieszka ... get some sleep