modifying contact form?
I am wanting to modify the contact form
1. I got rid of the moustache man by uploading a profile pic. The end result is a square image. That is, it seems automatically cropped, and yet the moustache man is much longer vertically. Anyway I can ensure my image can do the same?
2. Is there anyway to add a phone number to the form? I was playing around with creating a custom image in PNG to be a photo and text, but again, cropping mucks it up.
Thanks in advance
1. I got rid of the moustache man by uploading a profile pic. The end result is a square image. That is, it seems automatically cropped, and yet the moustache man is much longer vertically. Anyway I can ensure my image can do the same?
2. Is there anyway to add a phone number to the form? I was playing around with creating a custom image in PNG to be a photo and text, but again, cropping mucks it up.
Thanks in advance
1) That image is 154x370 pixels. So upload an image in that same ratio (2:1 ish) and use it as your profile photo. That should do the trick.
2) Our built in form, no. But you can use a WuFoo form, and add a phone number with it. Here's some help with adding a WuFoo form to your site:
I hope this helps. If you have any questions or problems, please let us know.
Nick Wilson
SmugMug Support Hero
I believe this information Nick gave you is not correct. There is a bug on the active bug list (since August) that profile pics are being cropped into a 1x1 square no matter what aspect ratio they are. Here is the link on the active bug list:
If you follow the link there, you'll see the original report of the issue with a workaround.
That said, if you want a phone number you will need to use the Wufoo form.
Regarding the addition of a phone number, perhaps the popular CSS hack to change the contact form text could be adapted for that? The code that I use is:
Me using the smugmug contact form?
I asked that question earlier and was told no...but maybe you'll get a different answer.
I submitted it as a feature request, but most folks told me that if I want to do that, I should use a WuFoo form. What I've been thinking of doing, but haven't gotten around to yet, is creating a WuFoo form that I can embed as a content block on my own Smugmug page, then linking to that page.
It's one of those awwwww man moments. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do much. Thanks for replying!