Which External Hard Drive?

Do you like? NEVERMIND, you can delete. I ordered one, a Maxtor something 111 from buy.com thru google. Good price. I will just "pray" that it works.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
try this
http://www.caldigit.com/FireWireVR.asp or sata solution
I use one of these SNT2316C external cases with the SATA2 interface for the drive and Firewire400 and USB2.0 ports for connecting to a PC/Mac.
It uses an external brick for power and has a fan in it - imho very important when using a 7200rpm drive in it. The other thing about these SNT cases is that they use a "good" Firewire chipset. Some other brands have a chipset, starts with a "P" (sorry... can't recall exactly) that has proven problematic.
Then I buy a 3.5" harddrive and install it. I've been using a Seagate 160G in my unit and am about to get a second in which I'll install a 320G Seagate 7200rpm drive. They've been running about $100 to 110 CAD locally. It requires you to format and partition it but that is easy and doesn't take long.
My local shop has the SNT enclosures under a "Genware" brand name but a search on the 2316C part number should help locate a unit.