Fancy "Prints" Page Describing Print Options

I've always had a page on my site for "Prints", which described the different sizes and paper options that could be purchased from my site. It's always been a boring page full of text. I first saw Brandolino throw together a more advanced prints page and decided to emulate what he put together.
After a week of tweaking and playing I'm finally done and I thought I would share the code with anyone that is interested.
See a screenshot below or visit the "Prints" page on for a live demo.

The instructions for setting this up are fairly simple. It's the customization of it that may get a bit more complicated. I will try to make the instructions as simple and clear as possible but I will warn you that you will need to go in and change several lines of code.
0) Download the images required for this page to work by clicking here. Unzip the file and upload the images to an "unlisted" gallery on your SmugMug.
(If you need instructions on how to do this, please post below).
1) Create a new "Page" in your smugmug site. As follows:
a. Login and click on "Organize" and then "Organize Site"
b. Navigate to where you want to create the page.
c. Click on "+ Create"
d. Select "Page"
e. Give it a title "Prints" and a description (whatever you want).
f. Click "Create"
g. In the organizer, click "Done". You'll be taken to folder view of your site.
2. Customize the "Prints" page as follows:
a. In your folder, click on the newly created page called "Prints"
b. Select "Customize" and "Customize Site". You will be taken to a Customizer for "Just this page"
c. (Optional) Tweak your breadcrumb if you want to by clicking on the wrench icon on the breadcrumb box
3. Add an HTML block as follows:
a. In the customizer panel go to the "Content" tab and scroll down to "HTML & CSS" (it's the last one).
b. Drag an "HTML" block onto the page. I've found it can be a little bit finicky to get this to "stick". A green box will show up when you've dragged the block to a proper location. You want to place it UNDER your breadcrumb. I had to drag my HTML block almost onto the middle of the breadcrumb before the green box showed up underneath the breadcrumb.
(dgrin forums wouldn't let me paste the whole code in so I had to break it up into chunks. Please see the following posts for the code and continued instructions)
After a week of tweaking and playing I'm finally done and I thought I would share the code with anyone that is interested.
See a screenshot below or visit the "Prints" page on for a live demo.

The instructions for setting this up are fairly simple. It's the customization of it that may get a bit more complicated. I will try to make the instructions as simple and clear as possible but I will warn you that you will need to go in and change several lines of code.
0) Download the images required for this page to work by clicking here. Unzip the file and upload the images to an "unlisted" gallery on your SmugMug.
(If you need instructions on how to do this, please post below).
1) Create a new "Page" in your smugmug site. As follows:
a. Login and click on "Organize" and then "Organize Site"
b. Navigate to where you want to create the page.
c. Click on "+ Create"
d. Select "Page"
e. Give it a title "Prints" and a description (whatever you want).
f. Click "Create"
g. In the organizer, click "Done". You'll be taken to folder view of your site.
2. Customize the "Prints" page as follows:
a. In your folder, click on the newly created page called "Prints"
b. Select "Customize" and "Customize Site". You will be taken to a Customizer for "Just this page"
c. (Optional) Tweak your breadcrumb if you want to by clicking on the wrench icon on the breadcrumb box
3. Add an HTML block as follows:
a. In the customizer panel go to the "Content" tab and scroll down to "HTML & CSS" (it's the last one).
b. Drag an "HTML" block onto the page. I've found it can be a little bit finicky to get this to "stick". A green box will show up when you've dragged the block to a proper location. You want to place it UNDER your breadcrumb. I had to drag my HTML block almost onto the middle of the breadcrumb before the green box showed up underneath the breadcrumb.
(dgrin forums wouldn't let me paste the whole code in so I had to break it up into chunks. Please see the following posts for the code and continued instructions)
dGrin Afficionado
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
4a. Paste the following code into the "HTML" tab.
(dgrin forums wouldn't let me paste the whole HTML code so I had to break it into 2 chunks. Paste this first half in, then get the second half, and paste it in below the first half).
Note: you will need to customize this code later on.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
(dgrin forums wouldn't let me fit the whole HTML code in the first post so here's the 2nd half).
4b. Paste the following code in the "HTML" tab, just below the first half of the code you pasted in.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
_5. Paste the following code into the "CSS" tab._
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I cannot guarantee that I will continue to host the images used for this code, nor can I guarantee that I won't change them. I strongly recommend you change the links so they point to your own site.
Customize the CSS:
In the CSS code above I have highlighted the fields in red that you will need to change. Some of them are just font colors and hover colors but some of them are the URL's to the images. You already downloaded the images in step 0 and uploaded them to your SmugMug page. Now you just need to get the URLs:
1. Go to your SmugMug gallery where you put the images.
2. Click on "Share" and then "Get a Link"
3. I recommend copying the "X3" size.
You'll need to copy the URL's for each image and paste them into the proper section of the CSS code.
I put in comments in the CSS code to help you understand what URL's to paste.
The colorful images are the ones called 'UNSELECTED'.
The dark background images are the ones called 'SELECTED'.
You'll need to paste in the URL's for each of these images so they point to your site.
Customize the HTML:
I've written the text on here to be customized for my own site. You wlll probably want to customize the text to suite your own needs and put your own voice on it. There are some things to note about the HTML.
When you look at the HTML you will see a big blob of text. When you apply the CSS to it, it gets broken down and sectioned off into tabs.
Every time the HTML reads: There will be a new "tab" area created. The CSS basically counts the # of times it see's that line of code. If you're on the first tab, it only shows the first div called that. If you're on the 2nd tab, it hides the first div called that and shows the 2nd, etc.
I find it much easier to edit the HTML by pasting it into an HTML editor like Dreamweaver and tweaking the code there. Much easier to edit.
It will look something like this (click on the image to see it bigger):
As much as I'd love for your site to keep referencing my site and giving me visitors, you will prob. want to change all references to my email and "Aaron M Photography".
From here on out, you should be all set. Tweak to your hearts desire.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
If you're having any problems or have questions feel free to post below. I'll warn you, if you haven't UNVEILED your site, there is very little I can do. It's much easier to help you if you've unveiled.
Happy hunting!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
SmugMug will automatically convert it to this for you so that it only applies to the content of the HTML block you added:
So you can remove the leading "" you've got there in your CSS and this neat code will be much easier to install
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
This is why I was just talking to someone about how lamah was the SmugMug customizing guru! CSS code is updated and much nicer! You're quite right
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Photo Blog
Does this work with a top logo and navbar?
My Website index | My Blog
Here's my original page Allen... Linked too above also...
As you can see I have a few more/ different tabs...
Adding tabs requires creating the tab image, adjusting the CSS and the html for the page you add.
Feel free to copy my code if you wish....
I origianlly copied SM's code from their help pages and adjusted to fit my needs by adding the extra tabs... that was back on OLD SM.... but it took JS to get it to work...
With a lot of recoding help from Lamah I have it working again...
One suggestion is add a note to the right of the sizes that if you click an underlined size (crop page) to hit the
browser back button to return to your site. Or have it open in another browser window or tab.
My Website index | My Blog
What he said ...
Brando, hope you don't mind that I 'emulated' your idea (ok fine ... stole it!). It looked so great I just had to do it myself! Excellent idea (and hopefully I gave the proper credit to you at the top of my post!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Oh yes, definitely. It didn't take too much work to find the HTML and CSS in the source code, then tweak it as I desired. You did an excellent job and made it pretty easy!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I credit Lamah... he took what I had in OLD SM and converted it to work w/o JS...
The html was "mine" the CSS to make it work was all him....
Me, I'm just a hack... a real cut and paste guy... leftquark and lamah are the coding gurus!
I could be the idea guy though... I always seem to come up with some new idea for a page, then run into troubles getting it to work... everything I know about code I learned on dgrin... or google...
Thank you for this.
You are quite correct. Good point brando!
I fully customized the different tabs and the HTML included in this thread links directly to my site. The instructions recommend that whoever uses this code get rid of all the links to my site. I also won't guarantee that I'll continue to host the images and it's possible I may even change them. Everyone should make sure to download the images, upload to your own website, and change all the links to point from mine to yours.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Remember those links on the Bay Photo and Help tabs may change too... SM might convert them to NEW SM pages... I assume they will eventually...
I thought I had this working but... I followed all the info here and it works when I put all the HTML and CSS on the page I created and looks good but when I put the link in for the page and publish it I get a blank page.
So for now I have a temp help page...
Need help
Link to your test page? Is it set to private?
I have it as unlisted
Hard to help if we can't see it.
I put the HELP link back to the page I have for help
see if you can figure this out
Got it working
I see how they could conflict as you have no header space above the "help" box.
Maybe you could narrow the breadcrumb to fit in that left side without overlapping your "help" box.