need help for html block
it is the first time i use html in new smugmug and i have some difficulties because nver know if i need to add doctype,... or <div>...
on :
i have several problems :
- strong tag doesn't work and b tag seems to work
- i'd like to center text like :
- i never know if i need to insert img tag into the <p> or outside
- i need to add lot of br to push hr below image to have 100% hr instead of hr below text only. how can i avoid these br ? in dreamweaver i think it is a questio of clear:both...
i have added html and css i types in html and css tabs, nothing else (no div,...). Can you change these ?
it is the first time i use html in new smugmug and i have some difficulties because nver know if i need to add doctype,... or <div>...
on :
i have several problems :
- strong tag doesn't work and b tag seems to work
- i'd like to center text like :
- i never know if i need to insert img tag into the <p> or outside
- i need to add lot of br to push hr below image to have 100% hr instead of hr below text only. how can i avoid these br ? in dreamweaver i think it is a questio of clear:both...
i have added html and css i types in html and css tabs, nothing else (no div,...). Can you change these ?
HTML : <img class="image_right" src="" alt="californie" /> <p style="text-align: center;"> </p><h3>Buy Prints</h3> <br /> <strong>Most of the images are available in print and download.</strong> <br /> You can choose the size and if you want a white border or not. <br /> <b>M. Labro - Labro Photography </b> <br /> Rue Limoges (70) Belgique <br /> <strong>Mail : </strong> <a href="">marc.labro(AT)</a> <br /> Tel : +32 471 45 68 25 <br /> <i><a href=""> Conditions Générales de Vente</a></i> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <hr /> <br /> <br /> <img class="image_left" src="" alt="californie" /> <p style="text-align: center;"> </p><h3>Buy Prints</h3> <br /> <strong>Most of the images are available in print and download.</strong> <br /> You can choose the size and if you want a white border or not. <br /> <b>M. Labro - Labro Photography </b> <br /> Rue Limoges (70) Belgique <br /> <strong>Mail : </strong> <a href="">marc.labro(AT)</a> <br /> Tel : +32 471 45 68 25 <br /> <i><a href=""> Conditions Générales de Vente</a></i> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <hr /> <p>hallo</p> CSS : a:link { color: #aaaaaa; text-decoration: none; } a:hover, a:focus { color: #cccccc; text-decoration: underline; } p, ul { margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 0; } ul li { margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 2em; list-style-type: square; } .image_right { padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 20px; float: right; } .image_left { padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 20px; float: left; }
You can put <img> tags inside <p> if you want.
You can use clear:both just like you did in Dreamweaver. Just add this to your CSS, and remove the <br> tags:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
if i want a little space above and below hr, how do i do that ? just add a margin-top of 10px in
css properties ? so text and images will go down,... ?
any idea for center alignment of text in his area ? as we could do with a table with one row and two columns in the left or right column ?
best regards
whe i try to move it before
smugmug displays it in red and doesn't accept
however it is a same paragraph !!!???
any idea what the </p does there ?
best regards
Now you can adjust the spacing with CSS like this:
(I removed the top and bottom margins of the image and moved those to the .image_line div)
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
it works super fine !
see :
I can now reproduce the old smugmug alternate page i liked and much more with power of html and css !
i think i have found my bug with </p>. probably it has no sense to use a <h3> inside a <p>
so i have used firebug to know the font-family, color, size,... of the smugmug h3 title and used span and style
i also had problems of colors with "a", "a:hover",... i have fixed
If it can help somebody, i have attached the latest version of my code (before i continue my page :-) )
I'm following along with interest as to how your code is finalized. A question from a newbie with HTML: I heard that the
code is antiquated and not supported. I have used it extensively on my site (which has a lot of broken code that I am now going to fix,
being only part of the problem). An instructor who helped me a bit in an HTML class, is the person who told me to replace
Is use of
not recommended any longer? I ask because I thought Smugmug's new format would not tolerate broken code, so the question of
comes up in that context as well.
I never did hear the solution as to how one achieves single-spaced line breaks without using
, however.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Boy Denise did you miss a human being going BOINK BOINK cross-eyed.
In that class the instructor found the W3 page that said it was retired (or killed, or whatever happens to dead code). I made her find it so I could see it before I would believe it, since I have about 10,000 of them on my site.
So the link you sent made no sense to me until I let it percolate, and - I think the problem was that I used <br> without it being inside other tags such as <p>. Stretching here to recall why my usage has been wrong.
If you use HTML in a more semantic way, it makes it easier and tidier to adjust the way it is presented later using CSS. For example, you're not tying yourself to the spacing between paragraphs being the same height as one line of text.
If you're just using a single <br> tag on its own, this often means that you're really producing a list, and the semantic markup for it would be to use something like <ul><li>item 1</li><li>item 2</li></ul>. But sometimes you just want a simple linebreak and <br> is the best option.
It's certainly not going away, <br> will continue to work in the future. It's already in the next-generation HTML 5 standard.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Br, deprecated as an element. I think this is what you're saying as well, with:
If I'm reading the original code posted on this thread, br is used as an element in several places? But, if it still works...
when i want to force text at next line i always use
in wordpress, joomla, smugmug,... without surprise up to now. i don't know another tag to do the same.
i have played with the code from Lamah and in some cases when i have too much text, it comes below the image and becomes 100% width.
How, when needed, in a section between two hr, could we force the image always being for instance 40% width and text 60% width ?
i would think about a div float left (or right) for the image with a specified size and remaining for the text float right (left) but i am not css expert
this new code can be very useful for creating about or link pages with a small image on right (just to make beautiful look) and a long list of equipment on left only,...
best regards
That's XHTML. HTML5 is what's in use on SmugMug, and <br> isn't deprecated in HTML5.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
As you can tell I didn't see they would be so different, but this is great to know. Thanks.
Something you might do in your code and CSS is to use the cascading features of style sheets.
Class your enclosing DIV as something, and then in your CSS, set the styles so that anything inside the div inherits the styles without having to class those elements directly.
whatever my style declarations are
.myPageStyle p{
whatever my style declarations are
.myPageStyle h3{
whatever my style declarations are
.myPageStyle img{
whatever my style declarations are
.myPageStyle ul{
whatever my style declarations are
.myPageStyle li{
whatever my style declarations are
[/HTML]Now in the HTML code you can do this:
<div class="myPageStyle">
<h3>My H3 title for the paragraph</h3>
<p>This is my first paragraph</p>
<img src="image.jpg" with="200" height="300" alt="whatever the image is" />
[/HTML]So because the div has the class, the elements inside it will inherit the appropriate styles without you needing to do inline styles on the HTML.
Torn between cycling and photography!
thanks for these explanations
it is very useful to understand how to do beautiful code and span,... is tedious all the time
in fact html/css basic courses would be a nice thing in smugmug support section like "how to do a link page with ul, li", "how to add a table",....
no discussion, just simple examples of custom pages.
for people having questions, they can copy this code in dgrin and ask more questions
I am aware it is not the primary goal of smugmug but we see that people have more problems of creating extra pages than adding images in albums.
there are lot of useful infos on dgrin site but they are lost in lot of pages of discussions, sometimes 120 pages of post on a topic (ie: drop down menus) and finally what is the conclusion or final code,... ?
best regards
That's what I'm applying on my pages for CSS to get lists.
And then in the code you just use your normal HTML, in my case:
You can put a href tags in there too if you wish. It's pretty easy. You want to keep as much as possible everything in the main site-wide CSS customisation, and not in individual HTML/CSS blocks if you can avoid it. The reason behind that is that the more you have CSS all over the place, the less easy it is to administer it.
Before I signed up here I did a heck of a lot of reading of many topics on this forum, probably a good 10 or so hours of it seeing what could be done and just finding my way around the new Smugmug. Finally it is something we can really use.
Torn between cycling and photography!
Lamah clarified this in one of his messages: "That's XHTML. HTML5 is what's in use on SmugMug, and <br> isn't deprecated in HTML5."
By the way I think we are supposed to type it as <br />
Not <br>
But I don't know why.