Weekly Discussion Thread: Do you need help with your logo / watermark design?

Many of us struggle with logo / watermark design ... I think it's an important part of your website & blog as it's our own little signature.
I thought I'd start a thread where you guys can post your logo, and hear what others have to say, or show us some of your new designs in case you're thinking about creating a new one for the new year, and get some opinions.
Be critical of your signature, don't make it look too old if you have a modern wedding photography approach. Everybody has a different shooting-style, have your signature underline your style / approach.
Things to think of when you're creating a new logo:
• Choose the appropriate font
• Do you want to use a icon instead of your name? (don't forget, people still need to find your website / contact information ...!)
• How does it look on a very bright / dark photo?
• Where do you want to place it? Always in the same spot?
• Is is large enough, or too small?
• Check how things align!
Let's get it started .... anybody willing to share their logo for discussion? :lynnma
P.s. Post a pic with your logo on it (photo + logo) :thumb
>> Shhhhhhht. Wanna see the other weekly threads? Click HERE.
I thought I'd start a thread where you guys can post your logo, and hear what others have to say, or show us some of your new designs in case you're thinking about creating a new one for the new year, and get some opinions.
Be critical of your signature, don't make it look too old if you have a modern wedding photography approach. Everybody has a different shooting-style, have your signature underline your style / approach.
Things to think of when you're creating a new logo:
• Choose the appropriate font
• Do you want to use a icon instead of your name? (don't forget, people still need to find your website / contact information ...!)
• How does it look on a very bright / dark photo?
• Where do you want to place it? Always in the same spot?
• Is is large enough, or too small?
• Check how things align!
Let's get it started .... anybody willing to share their logo for discussion? :lynnma
P.s. Post a pic with your logo on it (photo + logo) :thumb
>> Shhhhhhht. Wanna see the other weekly threads? Click HERE.
It is actually small in comparison to the actual photograph. I like its simplicity, I think it is about 500 x 500 (the actual image), though I forget. In a brighter photo, it is obviously visible, but in a darker one it is it closer to obscurity when I change the opacity in the photo.
But I am thinking about making a new one. Thinking of something even more simpler but still recognizable.
If it were me, I'd do 3 small changes to it:
• Align your website info / link with the TN (right now the .coM jumps out of your "TN-frame")
• I'd also align the top part of photography with the corner of the "T" (move it a tiny more to the left)
• I've seen your logo in action before .... (some others maybe haven't ... it would be nice if you could post a pic with the logo on it). I'd actually also loose the "gray background / frame". I don't see a need for it & like this it would look like a cool stamp
... just my 2 cents
Mmm... wine... I tend to leave it in one of the bottom corners. Out of the way and stuff.
Hmm... I should align them, huh?
As I said, that's just my opinion
on a pic
I do have a somewhat related question though!!
When delivering my image DVD's to my clients I give them a full res set and one low res for web use with a watermark. To do the conversion and add the watermark I set up an action and then run the action from bridge using image processor. Only problem is I can't find a way to make it work with an image... only text, so I just have my web address across the bottom instead of my logo ;like I would prefer. So can someone tell me how to design an action that will insert a logo image into the same spot on both landscape and portrait images? that would be cool if someone could help me there!!
Bodies: Canon 5d mkII, 5d, 40d
Lenses: 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4.0L, 135 f2L, 85 f1.8, 50 1.8, 100 f2.8 macro, Tamron 28-105 f2.8
Flash: 2x 580 exII, Canon ST-E2, 2x Pocket Wizard flexTT5, and some lower end studio strobes
I'll throw in my 2 cents again ... just to get some discussions started here
I like your design. Like in Ted's case I'd loose the background (box). I don't think it ads anything, and think it would look cooler without it ... I'm a believer in less is more, can you tell?
I don't know much about logo-actions in Bridge ... anybody? ...
When I post online, right now, I'm just stamping "Madison Squared Photography" in transparent shadowed letters through the middle of it and it's so boring.
I will admit this thread pulled out a *tiny* bit of creativity, but as per usual, once CS4 started up, my mind went blank.
Two ideas using the same image.
I'd like to keep the website on there somehow, the M2 doesn't *have* to stay, hubby votes for it, though.
Since it's my husband and I together (hence the "squared") it can't be overly girly, which he thinks the first one is. The comment he made about it probably isn't forum appropriate
And I have the same question about using an image in an action, I've been wondering the same thing myself.
photography facebook
I.K. Madison, I kinda like the first one cause it is visually simpler than #2. Though I like the size and portion of #2.
Ohhh, good for you!!! Can't wait to see the result!
Yay! I personally like this version(s) much better
Angie, it's not a sepia photo, it's a 120 black and white film scan. He took it for a wedding a few weeks ago, just got around to scanning it, and sent it to me un-edited. I figured that would be the easiest one to play with since it's a square. It's one of my favorites, too, so that didn't hurt it's cause.
I'm leaning towards the second one, myself, but that's just me, less intrusive I guess.
photography facebook
We're doing the whole thing, well at least logo/branding and a custom blog. I am not sure if the website will make the cut after I'm all done. I'll make sure and post it once we get the logo finished up. All I can say for now is that it's not what you'd expect
Yay, sounds veryyyyy promising!
Hey, btw. went on your blog yesterday. You have some goooorgeous stuff on there, wowzer!!!!
Sigh, if only graphic design was an option from my college. I'm a beast with markers, but Illustrator makes my head hurt. We had a digital intro class where we learned illustrator, dreamweaver, photoshop etc - two-three weeks max on each. So I know enough to make my head hurt.
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
So far, this one is my fave (though I think you can lose the WWW part and just put MadisonSquared.com in the middle):
Ted, I liked your original layout better, but the URL was too small to be readable at the size you were using. This one is much more readable, and the two version thing for light and dark shots is great. Maybe you could jazz this one up by putting the URL on TOP of the TN, as IK Madisson did. I think it would look good on the right side of the URL, with the right edges of the N and the .COM lined up. Just spitballing...
I'll have to try that and see if I like it, we're still playing around with it, honestly. Long story short, my mom had a dream that had "Madison" in black with a red superscript 2 on a banner and on a guitar strap, (that's where "Madison Squared" came from) so I was thinking of taking her idea, but I don't like color in a watermark, so I'll have to play with it and see. The 2 is blue on our website, which works online, but not stamped through a picture.
My best friend is an amazing artist and I asked her to toy with the M2/website combo to see what she can come up with.
<--- is L.K.Madison, not I.K.Madison, I did it all lower case. It's not a biggie, promise.
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I'm not a pro, but may eventually try to make a business out of this. So I've been struggling with a domain that I would use if it was just my personal site to direct family and friends to versus thinking long term to if I would want to transition the site to be more professional. I was initially going to go with www.gomollypop.com for my personal domain. (Just www.mollypop.com is already taken.) But then I was debating if I wanted to get something that referenced photography, too. I still don't know. I think I need to make a decision about this before I progress too much further. Mollypop.com fits my personality and general vibe as far as taking childrens' pictures, etc but I'm wondering if mollypop sounds too juvenile for a business name. Thoughts?
This was one of the watermarks that I've been working on. I like it as a watermark, but I'm not sure that I like it as my website header. I was planning on creating a banner in Photoshop with some images and incorporating the name. I still need to work up a few more ideas and post them here for comparison.
The KS with the box will stay the same.
My Website Stephan Photos
Nikon D300 | 24-70mm 2.8 | 70-200mm 2.8 | 50mm 1.4D | SB-800 Speedlight | Gitzo 1325 w/Markins M20
I really, really like it!
I have tried these on black and white background. They are all easy to read.
My photography focuses on fine art and portraits. I do not focus on one area so I did not want my logo to be subject specific (if that makes sense). My last name is a real bear, and I don't want a "studio name" other than my own. I have to somehow incorporate my name. ARG.
After previewing this post, I see that in #2 the "so" of my surname is bigger than the rest. Please ignore this as it was not intentional.
Anyways, I would love your opinions.
Thanks for your input. I'm leaning that way too. BTW, I love your logo...and the newborn pic.
I like the text of #2 (minus the extra-large SO, of course). But I think the LS logo from #3 is very nice. I think I'd like to see a version with the text of #2, and the LS logo behind it, about at the OLO part of your last name. Just spitballing; I think it would look good, but sometimes I try stuff that looks good in my head and in reality it does not.
Despite the fact that I am not actually a pro photographer, I've been motivated by this thread to try creating my own watermark. Since I've commented on several of yours, I thought it only fair to give you a chance to crush my own ego in retaliation. So here's my first pass; since it's a two-tone logo, I made both a dark and light version.
#1 Dark version, full intensity
#2 Dark version, 50% fade
#3 Light version, full intensity
#4 Light version, 50% fade
Yeah, I kinda wanted to have that symbol in there somewhere, but the flash area was the only place that seemed to fit even a little with the rest. I don't think it looks bad, but I'll try removing it and see if the overall look improves.
ETA: Here they are at 100% intensity without the copyright symbol. I find that I like the 100% version best.
Here is an new version based on your suggestion. What do you think?
I like this one (#1) the best.
My Website Stephan Photos
Nikon D300 | 24-70mm 2.8 | 70-200mm 2.8 | 50mm 1.4D | SB-800 Speedlight | Gitzo 1325 w/Markins M20