Restore Vanity URLs

Request: A flexible vanity URL redirect option. Facilitates the building of customer-friendly URLs that are shorter and more memorable than standard SM URLs, and are non-case-sensitive. This was available in the legacy system via jfriend's javascript customization #11.
- Preserves the value of all legacy vanity URLs -- thus avoiding broken links, the need to reprint business cards and other promotional materials, the disruption of customer relationships, etc.
- Easier on the customer (easier to remember, fewer letters to type, etc.)
- Stronger protection against dead-link potential from future folder reorganization
- This might even serve to mitigate the results of the unfortunate case-sensitive URL design, at least in the short run. A much more flexible and professional approach than the 404-message workaround. - Janice Browne Nature Art & Photography
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
They're for galleries. Granted, with the "Custom URL" element in new galleries, URLs are much less geeky. But don't they still require at least one folder name in the path (like the legacy system requires a category)? And with now more levels available, those URLs are going to get longer. Also, it's hard to remember caps.
I see you're only using one folder level for galleries. But for example, you could have:
instead of
What SmugMug needs to add is just automatically finding pages case-insensitively if the page doesn't exist with the exact caps the user entered.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks, that's good to know. But I'm not seeing it as a viable solution, to drive a site's public gallery organizational hierarchy by putting all "vanity URL galleries" at the root level. Am I missing something?
you're quite right. I use it for some pages, e.g.
and till they broke it
but ideally I'd sooner have them with the same url, but tucked away in a Folder.
I'll also add to the feature request that vanity urls should be available in all lowercase.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Yeah, but like many people, I have been sending out the "friendly" links...that don't have the key on them (they're easier for people to type and they look nicer, but I'm now finding out the downside. So if I move the galleries around or add organizational levels, those old links won't work.
So I'd still like the ability to assign a "friendly" URL of my choice to a gallery (or page) that is not strictly tied to the internal organizational structure of my site.
Thanks for this discussion. I'm going to put my vote in for vanity URLs and just let you know how I use them in case there is an alternative that make sense.
I have a handful of larger clients who have me out to do shoots for a number of times per year and I have been working for some of them for almost 10 years. I use my site more as a business portfolio site and keep all of my clients images in unlisted galleries.
Each large client has their own folder under a "clients" folder, and I create a smugmug Event that essentially mirrors that folder. So I can deliver a single link to the client and they can access all their unlisted galleries from there.
And for these types of clients, I create a vanity URL that takes them to their Event page. Event links are ugly and hard to type in. My smaller clients that don't ask so much of me get links to their events so I don't clog up my code. But my really big clients get the vanity url as I think it makes me look a more professional and like I am personally taking care of their digital assets for them.
So I'd like to be able to do that again. As it is, I have had to send my clients their Event links so they can get back to their pictures as a temporary measure.
There's my plug. Thanks!!
Just tried it. Unfortunately it seems that I could not modify the <head> tag where the auto-redirect code should be inserted, so it doesn't work. Now I have to get my customers to manual redirect themselves, as the old link has been published in a book. :cry
Why don't they let us have javascript just like before, which will solve multiple problems? Perhaps they need time to sort out their own side of things before giving us write permission? It may be a little counterintuitive, but I tend to feel that the more control and less trouble of this kind we have over our websites, the more likely we are to tell others how awesome SmugMug is and get them new customers. <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
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