Weekly Assignment #90: Ad Infinitum

Let's have some good fun this time. The goal of this assignment is to create a "recursive" image, i.e. an image becomes part of itself, thus containing a smaller part of itself, and so on and so forth. Imagine a person looking at the picture of the same person looking at the picture of the same person... You got the drift:-)
It does require some basic photo-editing skills, but not much, and the effect is easy to achieve and is usually hilarious.
Fresh pictures only. Try to come out with a quality result. You can use parallel mirrors, photo-editor - whatever you poison is, but try to make it loo natural.
Let's get some infinity!
It does require some basic photo-editing skills, but not much, and the effect is easy to achieve and is usually hilarious.
Fresh pictures only. Try to come out with a quality result. You can use parallel mirrors, photo-editor - whatever you poison is, but try to make it loo natural.
Let's get some infinity!
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Is there a tutorial somewhere Nikolai to help me get started creating a recursive image in photoshop?
I looked around but couldn't find one online and am not sure where to start in figuring it out myself.
Thanks Nikolai...Thats really neat. My compositing job is terrible though so I will need to try again. Not much experience compositing OR taking photos that I intend to composite. My first version came out not only messy but somewhat cheesy as well. luckily I took a bunch of variations so I may be able to find one that works better...Or I could just re-shoot.
I feel like its necessary that the effect not take over the picture..Otherwise it just looks drunk
Ok Nikolai...I decided not to enter this in the mega challenge...for many reasons...but I will enter it here since this fits your theme here. As I told you before it was concieved 2 hours before you posted...lol. But was the same day.
Exif for what you see here and the background layer.....click Here
exif for the pic with the artist in it...click HERE
exif for the painting in the painting ...i didn't download onto my site...but you will have to take my word for it...it was taken at the same place, day, time and consecutively...only difference was it was taken at 50mm and cropped.
would it be to too much to ask to make it 100% assignment-compliant and recurse the painter into the paintings a few more steps untill it becomes disconcerneable. It would only take a few minutes of your time...
Nice entry, thank you, appreciate the extra work!
What I really want is CS3 extented.......my anniversary is coming up but hubby got me a 2 week cruise to Caribbean instead.
Strange Loops
Just wanted to give this a try.
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My only nit is that there is no shadow casted by the "picture" on the pad, and no shadow on the picture casted by clamp
I thought I did pretty good with the shadow cast by the picture since I just used the one that was there from the piece of paper I used as a place holder.
original image
Now, the real neat trick would be to use the primary image as a smart object, so when you done with the changes (just once!) the final composite would automatically update itself
I don't think PSE5 has smart objects.
BTW here is a link to the original... here.