EXERCISE: Make Every Shot Count

At one time or other, most of us have had to cull hundreds of shots only to find that few, if any, were worth saving. While it costs virtually nothing, it does consume time. So here's an exercise to hone our shooting skills.
1. On any day in the next couple of weeks, go out shooting for up to two hours.
2. You may only shoot 10 frames, so you will have to think carefully about each.
3. Post your best two shots in the results thread along with any comments you care to make about the your experience.
There will be no verification of entries, but you are honor bound to observe the rules. The exercise ends on April 1.
Make every shot count. :wink
1. On any day in the next couple of weeks, go out shooting for up to two hours.
2. You may only shoot 10 frames, so you will have to think carefully about each.
3. Post your best two shots in the results thread along with any comments you care to make about the your experience.
There will be no verification of entries, but you are honor bound to observe the rules. The exercise ends on April 1.
Make every shot count. :wink
I'm in.
This is a great idea. Slow down on the shutter and speed up with the eye. I'm in.
Great exercise, Richard!
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
My Gallery
I'm in !
Just don't forget to turn off burst mode.
I'd love to take part but I'm busy for the next 2 weeks.