DEAL: 15% off at Canon Refurb Store

Use code
to get 15% off any reefurb item that's in stock. This makes a 7D around $1150! This is a one-time use code, it won't last long!
to get 15% off any reefurb item that's in stock. This makes a 7D around $1150! This is a one-time use code, it won't last long!
I tried all 3 codes but the early bird gets the 7D I suppose, do these codes come around often? I'm ready to buy a 7D now but will wait if these come around frequently.
I'll wait a week and then buy if I don't find anything.
The real deal killer is that hardly anything is in stock. The prices are so good to begin with (after all, refurb is pretty much like new, I think it's even better). For example, the regular price of a 5DII is $2000, a deal hard to find even on the used market. They were in stock this past week, but now they're sold out. And an 85 1.8 is regularly $330, about the used price. I haven't seen it in stock at all recently (the price becomes ridiculous with a 15% discount). What is in stock, isn't that great of a deal. So when there's a discount, most of the items go out of stock.
And if it's a camera (DSLR or Powershot) that you're looking for, and you have a broken Canon camera, you may want to use the Canon Loyalty Program.