result of search shows thumbnail style in tight grid, doesn't honor design default

denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
edited December 8, 2013 in Bug Reporting
If I use the search box the results are returned on a page with a tightly packed grid of square thumbs - neither the gallery's thumb default nor the design default style is used.

Yes, I get it - the thumbs style uses square thumbs. But that style is not used anywhere on my site, except for the search results page.

The design default style should be used.

--- Denise


  • phaserbeamphaserbeam Registered Users Posts: 452 Major grins
    edited August 22, 2013
    The design default style should be used.

    There should be the possibility to select a style you want, either "Designs default" or any other style that can be selected for galleries.

    This is because i use SM gallery view as default but search results should just show the photos in original aspect ratio. Since neither grid or thumbnails can do that i would have to use collage landscape.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited August 22, 2013
    phaserbeam wrote: »
    There should be the possibility to select a style you want, either "Designs default" or any other style that can be selected for galleries.

    This is because i use SM gallery view as default but search results should just show the photos in original aspect ratio. Since neither grid or thumbnails can do that i would have to use collage landscape.
    There isn't an option on the search results screen to select a style.

    --- Denise
  • phaserbeamphaserbeam Registered Users Posts: 452 Major grins
    edited August 22, 2013
    There isn't an option on the search results screen to select a style.

    --- Denise

    Yes, but there should be (more like a feature request). Using the default might be better then these auto-cropped-square-thumbs.
    Like mentioned here for the keyword-search i would like to have an option somewhere to specify which gallery style should be used.
    While keyword is using the default style i would prefer to make both searches more customizable by selecting the style i find more useful.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited August 22, 2013
    phaserbeam wrote: »
    Yes, but there should be (more like a feature request). Using the default might be better then these auto-cropped-square-thumbs.
    Like mentioned here for the keyword-search i would like to have an option somewhere to specify which gallery style should be used.
    While keyword is using the default style i would prefer to make both searches more customizable by selecting the style i find more useful.
    Oh, I see. Yes, I would like the feature you asked for as well.

    I view this as a bug (although the smug heroes might not agree) since it is ignoring my site-wide default gallery style.

    --- Denise
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited August 22, 2013
    Oh, I see. Yes, I would like the feature you asked for as well.

    I view this as a bug (although the smug heroes might not agree) since it is ignoring my site-wide default gallery style.

    --- Denise

    I'm with you on this one.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited November 6, 2013
    Bump for a status from SmugMug.

    --- Denise
  • phaserbeamphaserbeam Registered Users Posts: 452 Major grins
    edited November 11, 2013
    btw... if someone click on a keyword from the /keyword page the results will be shown in the default gallery style but it will use the gallery settings for square-thumbs on/off.

    Here is a link to my keyword page: Click!

    If you select the keyword stuttgartleuchtet2013 you will see the keyword results in a smugmug gallery (that is my default gallery style) using non-square thumbs (i set that to OFF in the gallery settings).

    If you select the keyword steelhammertour2013 you will see the keyword results in a smugmug gallery using square thumbs (i set that to ON in the gallery settings).

    This is a reason to keep the square-thumbs option in the gallery settings even if the selected layout does not support it (e.g. collage landscape). Of course it would be better if the keyword/search layout becomes independent with it's own settings.

    BTW: If the keyword is included in photos from different galleries the thumbs in the smugmug gallery view will be shown in original aspect ratio or square thumbs depending on the individual gallery settings. A sample can be found here. Square thumbs and non-square-thumbs mixed in the keyword results...
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited December 7, 2013
    search results should use the design default!

    Bump for comment from smugmug...
    When will this be fixed?

    --- Denise
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    search results should use the design default!

    Bump for comment from smugmug...
    When will this be fixed?

    --- Denise

    I don't consider this a bug. SM revamped search a while back, making it really awesome with the thumbnails and infini-scroll. When I search for "Maine" on your site and choose an image, I get to your gallery with your design - awesome :)
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    Andy wrote: »
    I don't consider this a bug. SM revamped search a while back, making it really awesome...
    Maybe this is another of these issues where it looks awesome in "AndyVision" but not in other screen/OS/browser combis. FYI, Andy, here's a screenshot of my search of your site. That overlap looks more awful than awesome:

    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited December 7, 2013
    Andy wrote: »
    I don't consider this a bug. SM revamped search a while back, making it really awesome with the thumbnails and infini-scroll. When I search for "Maine" on your site and choose an image, I get to your gallery with your design - awesome :)
    I agree that the search works well but the thumbnails look awful and the search results page clashes with the rest of my site. There isn't anything aesthetically pleasing about square thumbs jammed right next to each other, to say nothing about presenting landscapes in squares that easily cut off the primary focus of the image.

    Maybe if I used square thumbs on my site it wouldn't bother me so much. Square thumbs is something else I've never understood, and something I'm glad I can override.

    If smug designed the search results page to look this way then maybe we should move this thread to the Feature Requests forum.

    --- Denise
  • phaserbeamphaserbeam Registered Users Posts: 452 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    I agree that the search works well but the thumbnails look awful and the search results page clashes with the rest of my site.

    I reported a similar issue back in august and i also reported a "bug" like mentioned by beardedgit long time ago. That's why i stopped using a sidebar.

    Andy thinks everything is awesome, while i think only the list of outstanding bugs is awesome. And the search page not using self defined crops or not using the sites default gallery style is a bug.

    But SM handles just like yahoo/flickr... they do not listen to the users... they just "improve" things that ain't broken rolleyes1.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    phaserbeam wrote: »
    they do not listen to the users...


    For 10 years, SmugMug has been listening to, and implementing things that customers have requested. Have they done every single thing that customers have asked? No. But I dare you DARE YOU to back up your statement :D All I'd have to do is run through 10 years of release notes and Dgrin posts to prove you wrong. To make such a blanket statement is flaming, not helping.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    beardedgit wrote: »
    FYI, Andy, here's a screenshot of my search of your site. That overlap looks more awful than awesome:

    You made an unfair screenshot :nono that happens when you hover your mouse - and personally - I like it.
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    Andy wrote: »
    You made an unfair screenshot :nono that happens when you hover your mouse - and personally - I like it.
    Unfair? This isn't a pissing-competition, there's no referee to measure how high up the wall you can get. I posted it as an FYI so that you could see what others might see. That's how SM it shows for me, it's the default action, it's an unedited screenshot except for the yellow arrow.
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    beardedgit wrote: »
    Unfair? This isn't a pissing-competition, there's no referee to measure how high up the wall you can get. I posted it as an FYI so that you could see what others might see. That's how SM it shows for me, it's the default action, it's an unedited screenshot except for the yellow arrow.

    Your text and grab make it seem like that's what it looks like - which it doesn't unless you HOVER over a thumb - and as said, I like the enlarged photo on-hover thumb.gif
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    Andy wrote: »
    Your text and grab make it seem like that's what it looks like - which it doesn't unless you HOVER over a thumb - and as said, I like the enlarged photo on-hover thumb.gif
    I like the enlarged on-hover photo idea too, it's just that it doesn't always stay on-screen. It would be better if the leftmost in each row enlarged only to the right, and the rightmost only to the left, thus avoiding overlap/underlap if using a vertical menu, or truncation off-screen if using a horizontal menu. Here's an example of how it goes offscreen and takes the text with it, it's not awesome and I'm not the only person who considers it to be a bug:


    This could be avoided if the gallery-style could be changed, or at least be made to honour the design default style, as per the thrust of this thread.
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • LPCLPC Registered Users Posts: 481 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    Weird, no matter what I do I can't reproduce this on any of my search results so I tried to replicate it on yours and couldn't do that either no matter how I re-sized the window and whether I used ie, Chrome or Firefox headscratch.gif


    What screen resolution and aspect ratio are you using on what sized monitor? Perhaps the zoom level needs looking at?

    I like the search function and am happy with the square thumbnails but it would probably look better if there was a little spacing in between them as there is on my 'Latest' page -

  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    LPC wrote: »
    Weird, no matter what I do I can't reproduce this on any of my search results so I tried to replicate it on yours and couldn't do that either no matter how I re-sized the window and whether I used ie, Chrome or Firefox headscratch.gif
    There's a good reason for that, LPC. Since I did the screenshot I've increased the side-margins to accommodate the expanding images, thus wasting a load of screen real-estate.
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • LPCLPC Registered Users Posts: 481 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    beardedgit wrote: »
    There's a good reason for that, LPC. Since I did the screenshot I've increased the side-margins to accommodate the expanding images, thus wasting a load of screen real-estate.

    Ah ok, so you had not set the margins wide enough before. That might explain it then. Hardly a bug though is it when the width of the margins are something only you have control over.

    edit - Still a bit weird though as I still can't replicate this on mine no matter what I set the margins to headscratch.gif
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    LPC wrote: »
    Ah ok, so you had not set the margins wide enough before. That might explain it then. Hardly a bug though is it when the width of the margins are something only you have control over.
    Well, I reckon it is... let me cite my screenshot of Andy's site as an example... if I had that setup, with a menu block on the left, and if I wished to make it so that the expanded thumbs didn't go offscreen-right or overlap/underlap the menu block, there would have to be two vacant vertical columns, one either side of the unexpanded thumbs.

    Like I said, if the row-end thumbs only expanded "inwards", there would be no need to reserve space for expansion. This is the bug - the expanded images should be constrained within the element that contains the thumbs.

    But as per the OP, if there was an option for the results page to honour the design default, all that would be unnecessary.
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • LPCLPC Registered Users Posts: 481 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    Well you 'fixed' yours in a few seconds by correcting the margin width - some things just won't display properly if you are not using a wide enough margin, that is going to be true for every other aspect of any web page design. By definition a bug is something which cannot be fixed by the user quite so easily so this is more of a feature request. I agree, if they really want it then the user should have the choice in how the search results are displayed - thumbnails or otherwise, but it's really a personal preference rather than a bug.
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    LPC wrote: »
    Well you 'fixed' yours in a few seconds by correcting the margin width...
    Yeah, but that's a Layout Margin (Customize > Just This Page > Layout > Side Margins), not a content-block margin. It doesn't deal with any sidebar/vertical menu overlap/underlap, hence why I won't use a sidebar/vertical menu.
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • phaserbeamphaserbeam Registered Users Posts: 452 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    beardedgit wrote: »
    ... hence why I won't use a sidebar/vertical menu.

    Same here... i would like to, but with that "bug" a sidebar is a no-go...
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    phaserbeam wrote: »
    Same here... i would like to, but with that "bug" a sidebar is a no-go...
    Our real problem isn't the bug, it's managing to convince other folk that while it's OK for them, it's not OK for everybody. For some folk, the effort of trying to understand an issue from a standpoint other than their own is clearly too much effort.
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • pbandjpbandj Registered Users Posts: 237 Major grins
    edited December 8, 2013
    Just adding my vote here...I agree that the search results page should either honor the design default, or even better...allow the user to choose a gallery style for the search results page (and keyword page as well).

    I would much prefer for the search results to display in my design default (which is Smugmug style) because it lets me scroll through the search results one photo at a time. With the current design, if I click on the photo to see a larger version it sends me off to the original gallery and I've lost my search results.
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