Restore option to hide caption tooltips

BigRedBigRed Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
Request: Now that alt/title tags have been added to photos (bug fix here), captions now appear in tooltips (text bubble that pops up when hovering the mouse over the images). Because some of us feel that distracts from the photos, there needs to be an option to turn off the bubble. In Legacy, this is accomplished via the SmugMug-recommended JavaScript delHover function (customization #27 here). How is it to be accomplished in NewSM? - Janice Browne Nature Art & Photography


  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited September 11, 2013
    +1 from me. Alt tags are critical for search-engine indexing, but title tags (that generate tooltips) are an ugly annoyance (though I realise that for some people, they're helpful for finding the photo they want). I wish I could disable these per-gallery or sitewide.

    At the very least, why do tooltips appear in places where the photo is already labelled? For example, in a Galleries block, a photo already has a title written underneath it. In the Lightbox, and in SmugMug-style galleries, the photo already has a full caption written underneath.
  • BigRedBigRed Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited September 14, 2013
    Also see comments & suggestions in these bug & support threads...

    ...especially this one from Lamah:
    Lamah wrote: »
    The title tag is the thing that generates the tool tip (except for IE, which I don't care about). It'd be entirely possible for SmugMug to generate only alt tags, so search engines know what the photo is, and not generate any ugly, distracting, worthless title tags which cause tooltips to appear.

    Ugly: the tooltips are unstyled bright yellow from the browser default, and look completely different and jarring from the rest of the site.

    Distracting: you're looking at a photo and suddenly, pop! Your attention is drawn by a popup appearing for no discernible reason (the whole screen is filled with photos so they appear wherever you idly leave your mouse).

    Worthless: Most of the time, these tooltips appear where the photo is already labelled by an adjacent caption! They just end up covering up the image for you and provide zero value to your visitors.

    Who cares about navigation for the blind when you are selling photographs? It is a complete non-issue.

    SmugMug already serves a completely different version of the site to search engines like Google. They have to, since Google doesn't support JavaScript. They could trivially generate alt/title attributes only for Google, preserving indexing, and leave our photo displays alone. - Janice Browne Nature Art & Photography
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited October 6, 2013
    We need this option desperately!

    If I hover over my header I get a tool tip that says "header".

    Good grief!
    See my gallery at
  • VanlippeVanlippe Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited October 14, 2013
    Adding my +1 for this as well. When I noticed this occurring a few weeks ago I wondered what was going on because I certainly hadn't seen it before. In my case, I have a tendency to enter some long notes for some photographs. If someone is interested, they could scroll down and read more. But - particularly for the home page where there is a slide show intended to display only photos - the pop-ups are completely distracting.
  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited October 17, 2013
    Any statement of intent from Smugmug on this? Even though I know you don't like sharing ETA's, if people could know what's intended, what will change, it would be a big help.

    From me: They need an "off" switch, with the captions already there (which need some display controls also!), they are silly.
  • linyangchenlinyangchen Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited November 6, 2013
    +1 from me too. They take a lot away from the awesomeness. Remove asap to minimize damage.
    where Photons meet Black Holes
  • anglotexiananglotexian Registered Users Posts: 40 Big grins
    edited November 16, 2013
    +1 Very annoying!!!
  • 3PCo3PCo Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited November 16, 2013
  • linyangchenlinyangchen Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited November 17, 2013
    In addition to giving us the option of turning it on or off, it would be even better to give us total control over the text in the tooltips. :devbobo For example, in the SmugMug gallery style it might help to have a tooltip that says something like 'click to view lightbox' when moused over the large photo on the right, to encourage the viewer to click to a larger and nicer image. mwink.gif Currently it just repeats the caption (and messes up the text spacing and formatting in the process :cry), which is redundant (I'd prefer not to remind the viewer that the caption that he/she just read a few millimeters below is blah blah blah because this will make him/her feel stupid eek7.gif).
    where Photons meet Black Holes
  • dnwvictordnwvictor Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins
    edited November 18, 2013

    I would really appreciate any respond from SmugMug, apparently customization should be our strengths.
  • Heather RyanHeather Ryan Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    edited November 21, 2013
    +1. This is truly taking away from the aesthetics of my site. Should be an option to remove.
  • RashRash Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited November 25, 2013
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited January 14, 2014
    The fact that a tool-tip pops up a BIG white box with the ENTIRE caption is a bit much. Some sort of option to either turn it off, or be able to control what appears would be great.
  • psenior1psenior1 Registered Users Posts: 125 Major grins
    edited January 19, 2014
    I need this too please!
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  • registradaregistrada Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited February 3, 2014
    Hi, I'm dumbfounded to learn this. I'm in limbo, that is between legacy and new, and noticed immediately those confounded hover captions I struggled to inoculate my site from in legacy were back with a vengeance in new (preview, "veiled") mode. Not wanting to "unveil" and be naked to the world with them, I've asked support how to get rid of them, referring to them as hover or mouse-over captions. The replies either ignored the query or questioned me about which captions I meant. That I was never informed it can't be done seems rather unheroic. So, allow me to sign the petition. PLEASE TURN OFF THE DISTRACTING CAPTIONS. Cordially, Marc
  • psenior1psenior1 Registered Users Posts: 125 Major grins
    edited February 9, 2014
    any news on this, is it in the pipeline?
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  • pcm228pcm228 Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited March 31, 2014
  • JtringJtring Registered Users Posts: 679 Major grins
    edited April 4, 2014
    I'll join the parade here. This one's about #3 on my list of hoped-for changes I'm watching.

    Jim Ringland
    Jim Ringland . . . . .
  • CaoimhinCaoimhin Registered Users Posts: 26 Big grins
    edited April 14, 2014
    Count me in on wanting this addressed and resolved. Sooner better than later.
  • JtringJtring Registered Users Posts: 679 Major grins
    edited May 5, 2014
    I observe the tool tips have disappeared. Thank you.
    Was that with today's push or did it come sometime last week? (I've been away, out harvesting pictures.)

    Jim Ringland
    Jim Ringland . . . . .
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited May 5, 2014
    Cool beans! I see the same! No more giant tool tips on photos with captions! Thanks!
  • psenior1psenior1 Registered Users Posts: 125 Major grins
    edited May 7, 2014
    sweet, thanks SM.
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  • LPCLPC Registered Users Posts: 481 Major grins
    edited May 9, 2014
    Yes, just noticed too. Thank you and thank goodness thumb.gif

    (Lets just hope it was intentional as I have not seen an announcement either!)
  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,315 moderator
    edited May 9, 2014
    I didn't necessarily need the tooltip text, but what if we wanted that to display over our gallery "thumbs" again? Is there a setting for that?
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • LPCLPC Registered Users Posts: 481 Major grins
    edited May 9, 2014
    An 'On on off' option would be good but off by default is preferable. It was the appearance of tool tips when hovering over thumbnails which I found particularly distracting and unnecessary.
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