Lost Semi-colon Keywords

When clicking to edit "photo details" for any photo the trailing semi-colon is lost on the keywords.
keyword1; keyword2; keyword3;
This has been mentioned in a few threads and borks the last keyword if it's a multiple word keyword
splitting it into individual keywords.
Please fix.
keyword1; keyword2; keyword3;
This has been mentioned in a few threads and borks the last keyword if it's a multiple word keyword
splitting it into individual keywords.
Please fix.
I took a look at a few of my images where the last keyword entry was a 'two word' keyword, and there's no issue.
Could you post up or email a link to an example?
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But as you know we haven't seen very many things leave the active bug list as fixed.
If you open it, add the trailing semicolon before saving anything, everything will be fine...but this means that any time you make any edits, you have to remember to check your keywords and add back trailing semicolons if your LAST keyword is multi-word.
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The keyword bugs and missing functionality are very frustrating. Is this stuff getting worked at all? We have only seen more bugs and zero fixes or improvements to the keyword system since the introduction of new smug. Time to make this a priority.
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It makes me wonder if SmugMug has developed even a single test case for their features. It's not like these features are impossible to create completely automated tests for, which can also serve as documentation for the functionality. If SmugMug were to employ a test engineer, I think it would improve their software considerably.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I try to remember when I bring up the edit box for photo details to remember to add that missing semi-colon back again. Add this problem to the fact that the default keywords page doesn't show all of the sites keywords and this is a bigger problem.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I opened a support ticket on this a few weeks ago, and I'm happy to report that it is now fixed.