LPS#9 , "Protecting our Flag"

I have 5 versions , and really can't decide .
The first 3 have the edges of a Pine tree , don't know if I should leave it there , as not sure if it distracts the message .

2 other versions with a frame .

same except different focus .

For some reason , these 2 seem to provoke more feeling to me . Anyone else ???

My father really likes this 1:dunno

Any thoughts appreciated ...
The first 3 have the edges of a Pine tree , don't know if I should leave it there , as not sure if it distracts the message .

2 other versions with a frame .

same except different focus .

For some reason , these 2 seem to provoke more feeling to me . Anyone else ???

My father really likes this 1:dunno

Any thoughts appreciated ...
i like this one the best, for sure!
The first two I'm not sure what i'm looking at, and the frame is distracting.
I really like the BW one, though.
The IR one is interesting but I'm not sure the IR adds to the shot, kinda gimmicky IMHO.
ETA: I do think the American Flag theme is probably a little tired after the independence day round....you do have to consider the int'l audience...
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
It feels like the image is too compressed in these. For me the flag doesn't have pride, it just feels squat. Probably because there isn't any separation between the flag and the gun and there is all that empty sky above.
Also because of the compression and blur I can't get a good feel for the gun in the foreground. I could tell it was a gun but it also just reads as a hunk of metal.
For the last 3, to me it became more about wondering why are they going to shoot that pidgeon than about the rest of the shot.
You might try shooting with a wider angle lens and from a vantage point that doesn't place the flag in the line of fire. That bit of pine tree is a bit distracting for me. BTW frames aren't allowed in the contest.
I was also distracted by the pigeon - you could maybe clone this out if you are happy with the rest of the shot.
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Never saw it that way . I guess if something represents freedom for 1 country , and something other in another country , who's thoughts are right in text ??? The 1 viewing it I guess .
I in no way was making a political statement . This is an early 50's era canon , whom our veterans of the US had used in preserving the Flag of their/my country , and the flying flag "DOES" represent freedom in this country , which is why I had the idea of having the Canon pic lead to a high-flying flag . I also thought the Dove on top of the canon would high-light the freedom expression , which is why I left it there .
It is un-founded that 1 would love a picture , and another dis-like it . That is why these LPS themes seem so hard to judge IMO .
I thought I nailed the theme pretty good , maybe I'll have to go another route
On a side note, I don't think it can mean something to a country (see below).
An image can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. In large part the differences can be attributed by culture, but also by personal experiences, upbringing, etc.
I've had the pleasure of living in the US for several years, so I *know* that the American flag represents freedom to a lot of Americans. To me however, it does not. Your images are great, but they tell me 'protection', and 'patriotism'. The funny thing is that if you would create the same image with a dutch flag, I doubt that there would be a lot of dutch people that would see 'freedom' in it.
It is mainly a difference in culture I guess, and not so much specific for this theme. Crazy example, but for some reason it was stuck in my mind: Over here (the Netherlands) a lot of people have no idea what a turkey (goble goble) looks like. They don't live here, we rarely eat them and if we do see them it is in a zoo usually. Over there (the US) most people will know exactly what a turkey is, what it looks like, and possibly associate it with the holidays.
I'm not sure I agree with you that a flying flag represents freedom to everyone in a country. In this case, to most people I believe it can. Earlier I mentioned that I believe that what a person sees/feels in something (an image in this case) could also be attributed to personal experiences.
For example: A very good friend of mine was killed in Tanzania. For most people (here in the Netherlands) 'Tanzania' probably means 'a country in Africa', or 'a place I want to visit'. For me a lot times it means 'death', 'sadness' or 'danger'.
The same can go for Americans who have lost family or friends serving in the military. The flag can have a totally different meaning for them, I know.
All of what I said above doesn't mean that you shouldn't enter your image for this contest. So what am I saying? I guess I 'm saying that 'the message is in the eye of the beholder', and it is extremely difficult to get the same message across to everyone looking at the same image.
I agree, and I'm glad I'm not judging them
Irony? The above Canon was shot with a Nikon.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
In any event, aside from all of the other comments, if you are to do this shot, I think you need to have a bit more space around the flag to set it off from the cannon, and also could take a few more shots to make sure it's flying a bit more brialliantly. I like the effect of the b/w, but the flag in those two is partly concealed. (That's not an IR but a negative, correct?) As to whether you enter it, that's up to you!
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
This is why I posted many photos of the same theme I was trying to achieve , to hear comments AND criticism .
Although in my initial thoughts , I thought "freedom" was nailed with this type of shot . Maybe a different composition ?? Or maybe just a different route ???
In reference to HoofClix .
It's a 155mm Howitzer
Once again , thanks all for the comments
Thanks! Mine came, of course, with tracks and a turret...
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..