Action video on the move!
Well, this is a great place to continue a discussion that has come up in the ADVrider forum many times. What are the best methods for capturing action video in diffrent situations. Being a motorcycle forum the answers in ADV often revolve around helmet cameras. We have managed to gather a list of some of the diffrent options out there for helmets and vehicle mounted cameras.
The only one I can comment on personally is the ATC2000, cheap, interesting toy, really bad video. Attached is an example of the ATC mounted on the handle bars.:cry

By comparison here is my Panasonic S10P1 mounted on the engine guard of my other bike.

One thing we've all noticed is the lack of options other than SD. Supposedly because of mechanical problems with tapes and discs.:scratch If you're interested in reading the thread and seeing other video from several cameras, it's linked here -->
What say you?:deal
The only one I can comment on personally is the ATC2000, cheap, interesting toy, really bad video. Attached is an example of the ATC mounted on the handle bars.:cry

By comparison here is my Panasonic S10P1 mounted on the engine guard of my other bike.

One thing we've all noticed is the lack of options other than SD. Supposedly because of mechanical problems with tapes and discs.:scratch If you're interested in reading the thread and seeing other video from several cameras, it's linked here -->
What say you?:deal
I checked the link to your ATC2K and you are right it does not look good. Here's something to consider though - maybe it varies from camera to camera? I also have an ATC2K for "extreme" shots and my video looks a lot cleaner than what you are showing.
Another thing I wonder - does the speed/quality of the SD card itself come into play? I would think YES, but have no data to back that up.
I don't have any online videos with my ATC, but I'll see if I can get a lil' something and post it for comparison.
If you are wearing the ATC it does help, but I was comparing all three attached to the bike. Here is some video I shot with it mounted on the helmet.
As you can see it is clearer but it has me for a vibration dampener. As for the effect diffrent cards have, I have a variety and there doesn't seem to be an improvement between the cheap old kingston to the Scandisc or Kodak.
Hmm. that is a very valid point. I did create a dampener for mine, based off the design of a shockmount for a microphone - the plan is to mount it to my truck
Could I see a pic of your mount? This is what I made for the Nikon and Panasonic video cam. It's not on the handle bars anymore though because I got to much reflection from the wind screen.
Video camera (Sony PC1000 MiniDV) on the left, and Canon Rebel XTi on top. Don't have a front view, but it has a remote indicator and record button for the video camera and there's a remote shutter release that goes to my mouth (pictures are taken with my tongue).
I'll give you this, it's unique! But as they say necessity is the mother of invention!
Yup. is my site. Mostly stills but there's some video on there too.
I'd like to shoot some in-flight video. Anyone know what kind of camera would be best to attach to the rudder and/or wing of a plane?
I want to expand my flying shoots for posting on the likes of YouTube. Click on the link in my sig line below for an example.
Thanks for any helpful suggestions.
Of the video I've seen the POV video camera I just got is by far the best. Draw backs have been:
1. Finding a video program that can edit raw footage without reducing quality
2. Camera now comes standard with a fish eye lense and the narrow angle lense is not being produced again till sometime this summer, maybe.
3. Wide angle lense has good quality to about 200ft, after that view gets very distorted.
Plus side:
1. Darn thing shoots in 720X680 resolution
2. Simple to use
3. good viewing screen
4. Remote included
5. Uses SD card and 4 AA batteries, so there are no expensive accessories to get for use right out of the package.
I'd share some video but I'm on dial up and arn't going to spend an hour for 20seconds of video to upload.