Live stream with Panasonic GX7

Antonio CorreiaAntonio Correia Registered Users Posts: 6,243 Major grins
edited July 26, 2016 in Video
I would like to make a live stream to Facebook or my personal site on Smugmug (better) using my Panasonic GX7 but I do not know how.
I have searched the web but was not able to find any answer.
Can you lease give me a help ?
Thank you !

I have an iPhone 4S but I would like more quality on the video.
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook


  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited July 26, 2016
    It looks like only the Panasonic "GH" series bodies has the ability to live stream (currently), and they may be somewhat limited to recording time. (They may have to record in order to provide HDMI out for the live stream.)

    Perhaps if you explain in further detail what you hope to accomplish, we might be able to provide a recommendation as to equipment and process.
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • Antonio CorreiaAntonio Correia Registered Users Posts: 6,243 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2016
    Thank than you Ziggy.

    I have been searching and I found which can allow livestream from the GX7 to the MacBook Pro and from here, to the web.

    I am going to read about this solution now.

    I made a very humble livestream to Facebook using my iPhone 4S but I was not happy with the quality of the result.

    Thank you very much for your concern :)
    All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
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