Lighting a white board
I'm starting to make some of my instructional videos with me at the whiteboard, as I would do in a classroom. My problem is figuring out how to light things so the lights don't make a big glare off the whiteboard. Here is a frame from a test I shot. You can see the lighting glaring of the top middle of the whiteboard. Of course I don't really know anything about lighting.

I'm using some LED lights to add to the room light. It's probably not enough but I'm going to depend on the high iso of the 5D3, to compensate for that. I know I've got some work to do on vid quailty, but I like to figure out the general way to do the lighting first. Here is the setup I'm using.
Thanks in advance for hints, suggestions, whatever...

I'm using some LED lights to add to the room light. It's probably not enough but I'm going to depend on the high iso of the 5D3, to compensate for that. I know I've got some work to do on vid quailty, but I like to figure out the general way to do the lighting first. Here is the setup I'm using.
Thanks in advance for hints, suggestions, whatever...

So same here. move your lights to the side or above and below, whatever suits you. When you get them adjusted, you can then stand next to the camera and look at your White-Board and you ought not see those lights in the White-Board. If you can see them, so can the camera.
I did a little experimenting and I guess I didn't move far enough to the side.
However moving the lights to the side causes another problem, which I know how to fix. That whiteboard isn't really a whiteboard, it's some foamcore taped together and covered with a dry-erase skin. It's covering really meant for walls, so you can turn a wall into an "idea board". Anyhow it has lots of wrinkles in it and the light from the side just makes lots of shadows on the board. The fix is to get a real whiteboard.
Also I think I will need to add some more of the LED lights. They were not very expensive, they were on sale at B&H for $90. This is my first foray into lighting and I didn't have a very good feeling for what I would need, but I don't think 2 will cut it.
I be trying another test shot maybe later this week... we will see how that goes.
I will be trying the lights closer.
I will be trying the lights closer.