Extreme Whale Watching in Baja (Video + Stills)

My film "The Whale's Tale" presents the friendly gray whales at the San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California, Mexico. The whales come so close people touch them. This video can be seen on the web, if you have a high speed internet connection. It’s less than 15 minutes long.
This is a free, non-commercial, streaming video on the Windows Media Player. No ads and no strings attached. I still sell absolutely nothing.
My video site is:
With any modem you can view still photos of the whales at:
There are over 30 of my other amateur travel videos on-line covering all seven continents. Visit Italy, Argentina & Brazil, England, Antarctica, Peru, Hawaii, China, Russia, Mayan Pyramids, American National Parks, Greece, or Turkey; see buffalo, penguins, or polar bears.
The planet is yours, including my Home Page giant galaxy of still pictures at:
The Intrepid Berkeley Explorer :clap
This is a free, non-commercial, streaming video on the Windows Media Player. No ads and no strings attached. I still sell absolutely nothing.
My video site is:
With any modem you can view still photos of the whales at:
There are over 30 of my other amateur travel videos on-line covering all seven continents. Visit Italy, Argentina & Brazil, England, Antarctica, Peru, Hawaii, China, Russia, Mayan Pyramids, American National Parks, Greece, or Turkey; see buffalo, penguins, or polar bears.
The planet is yours, including my Home Page giant galaxy of still pictures at:
The Intrepid Berkeley Explorer :clap
Link to my Smugmug site
Back in 2002 I chose to provide detailed information for every film that is only available using the first link. Viewers should have the option of a complete travel video menu, which they can quickly move beyond by clicking on any Video Page link. Complaints received most often go after the midi music on each page.
A direct link to each video deprives viewers of two menus I still believe to be useful.
The server I use was set up by a computer professional who volunteered to make streaming possible.
All my complete travel videos thus remain totally under our control. I'm not giving that up by providing other sites with anything beyond short clips. 7,000,000 viewers on YouTube of 443 clips is more than satisfactory.
If it was possible to stream the videos from our server at a higher speed than 350 kb/sec on the Windows Media Player, we should know about it and make that conversion. Everything tried so far has failed. Travel videos at 700 kb/sec refused to work because of the massive time required for buffering. Another attempt, using Flash, proved to make no difference, as confirmed by Flash experts.
Keep in mind that I am just the photographer and video editor, 100% non-technical. My friend, the computer software professional, believes we should be satisfied with things as they are.
Nothing would please me more than achieving "full resolution".
If you have a realistic proposal for upgrading video quality on our server, I will forward it to my friend, in whose domain the server lies.
The Intrepid Berkeley Explorer