Working on my first video (wedding)

Well, this has been a fun challenge. Been shooting weddings for a few years now. Got a 7D last year and got an offer to shoot a video at a wedding.
The most challenging and nerve racking part was dealing with audio. I was very nervous about it going in and made plenty of mistakes but you live an learn.
My first wedding video
This is a short clip of the video I've done so far. I plan to add photographs into this as well. I'm just curious to get some input from others while I work on it.
The most challenging and nerve racking part was dealing with audio. I was very nervous about it going in and made plenty of mistakes but you live an learn.
My first wedding video
This is a short clip of the video I've done so far. I plan to add photographs into this as well. I'm just curious to get some input from others while I work on it.
Unique. Artistic. Unconventional.
What are you cutting with? I saw a really awesome feature in FCPX for just this. You record reference audio with the built-in mic on the camera and also record higher quality on a separate recorder, and then in FCPX you just click the two and tell it to synchronize. It looks at the waveforms of the audio and lines up the audio. Then you turn off the reference audio and you're left with the clean audio synchronized for you. You can do this manually, and people have been doing that for years, but it's nifty that the app will do it for you.
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I tried to eliminate the background noise using the noise reduction in Adobe Audition and it worked pretty well at eliminating that, but also made the vocals sounds pretty bad.
I synced the audio manually in Premiere. (Don't have FCP, I'm a PC guy).
It wasn't too hard to do it manually. There's a plugin for Premiere that can automate it I believe but I only have a few clips that need to be synced.
See for recordings of last weeks scripture readings and homily. I sometimes upload recordings of the cantor singing at the mass.
This is a Google Sites by the way - total cost per year for the site is the renewal of the domain name - about $10, and of course time to learn how to create a Google Site.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams