Best Computer for Sports Pics Processing?
I'd like to replace my present computer with one better equipped to handle post processing of photos. I know having plenty of hard drive space is important. However, what should I look for to ensure fast editing? I shoot mainly sports photos in JPEG, and a lot of them. I need to PP them and post them ASAP after the event. My editing consists of noise removal, brightening, cropping, sharpening etc. Right now, the noise removal process seems to drag, for example.
I also would say that having a second monitor to keep the tools on and a bigger workspace is very helpful.
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1) Processor Speed
2) Buckets of RAM (with an OS that can support it, ie 64bit)
3) Lots of HDD space
4) 1 or 2 GOOD color calibrated monitors
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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If you want a "clean" computer, i.e. one without a bunch of preloaded bloat & fluff, such as a Dell or any name brand machine.
Here is a company that is highly recommended for clean fast computers. They also send you the operating disk and another disk with all of the drivers.
They sell mainly to the CAD industry which is much more demanding than photo editing. They have a fantastic configuration utility on their website with the most extensive array of options of any computer company I have ever seen. If you are not sure of what you want just call them and tell them what you will be using the computer for and they will tell you what your best options are. They don't upsell you just to get more $$$ out of you.
The only knock I have against them is that it takes 3-4 weeks to get your machine after you order it. But overall these guys are great to work with. I do CAD work for a living and my employer supplies us with Dells, but when I needed a new "home" computer, I got mine from them.