Sculptures in the NY Times Building

The corridor leading from the main foyer to the atrium lined with hundreds of small LCD displays that randomly display snippets of text or images of what readers of the Times Online are looking at at that moment.
C&C always appreciated.

In the glass walled garden, a group of huge figures commands center stage.

C&C always appreciated.

In the glass walled garden, a group of huge figures commands center stage.

Neat images, looks like a very nice place to hang out, well captured, I like all the bright colors and good detail.
Burleson, Texas
Digital Illusions Photography & Design
1764 Shawna Ct, Klamath Falls OR, 97603
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"The Race is long but in the end it is only with yourself" ~Unknown
Thanks Craig
It was a bitter cold day outside and this place provided a nice place to relax and get warm.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Yup that was my first impession as well. Thanks for looking and commenting.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)