Using a cat to try a new lens

.... .and also to start experimenting with bw conversion/processing.
First shots (literally) with the Tamron 17-50 I acquired 2ndhand today, so haven't quite found my way round its idiosyncracies yet.
Thoughts? All c&c welcomed.
First shots (literally) with the Tamron 17-50 I acquired 2ndhand today, so haven't quite found my way round its idiosyncracies yet.
Thoughts? All c&c welcomed.

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Cute cat:D
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There is something about it that bugs me though...can't quite put my finger on it...maybe that one eye is nice and clear & the other one is too dark (or at least a shadow seems to block part of the eye)??? I don't know.
I'm no expert by any means so take anything I say with a grain of salt.
That's precisely what bugs me, too - I'm doing some dodging/burning on it to see if I can balance it up better. It was only really intended as a lenstest and I assumed it would be little more than a snapshot, so I'm amazed to be getting even this much out of it! Having fun playing with it, that's for sure
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