You have to use the "[color=]" tags - like [.color=blue] [./color](without the .)
Actually, we're not real keen on font colors other than default, as many users prefer to view the forum with the different skins offered. Using the default font color just makes posts easier to read for everybody. Moderators might change fonts back to default from time to time if they feel there might be a readability issue. In fact, we removed the dropdown choices a while back for that very reason.
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Not even white? The quote I put in under my signature came up blue, and I thought it wasn't that easy to see. I figured what we type in our posts was white, so why can't the quote be white?
"12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
Ansel Adams
Not even white? The quote I put in under my signature came up blue, and I thought it wasn't that easy to see. I figured what we type in our posts was white, so why can't the quote be white?
We're mostly concerned with the body of your message, for readability. Your signature is less of a concern. Go for it.
I just wanted to put a quote that would show up automatically in everything I post, but I just can't seem to find that option. I see other people have them, and I don't think they're typing them out for every one of their posts. I know it's got to be right in front of my eyes, I'm just missing it somehow.
"12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
Ansel Adams
At the top of this very forum, Dgrin Forum Support, there's a sticky thread "How To Do Most Anything" in there is a link to a thread about the control panel. In there are instructions on how to edit your signature.
Sorry it's such a nested affair. Let us know how you get on.
I just wanted to put a quote that would show up automatically in everything I post, but I just can't seem to find that option. I see other people have them, and I don't think they're typing them out for every one of their posts. I know it's got to be right in front of my eyes, I'm just missing it somehow.
What you see are the signatures. You can add one in You->Edit Signature. As several people have already mentioned, it's not a good idea to mess with the font color. If you make it white, then the sig won't show for people using a white background. Best to let the system manage the colors.
Most everybody else's is white though. I've seen a few that are yellow. All of the quotes I've seen are clearly legible. Mine came out in blue, and against my black background it's not easy to read, so I'll just go without one. At some point maybe I'll figure it out. Thanks.
"12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
Ansel Adams
Most everybody else's is white though. I've seen a few that are yellow. All of the quotes I've seen are clearly legible. Mine came out in blue, and against my black background it's not easy to read, so I'll just go without one. At some point maybe I'll figure it out. Thanks.
If you don't put any color tags around it, it should become a light (light-grey) color in most skins, and very legible in all skins
Choosing a specific color may result it in being unreadable in some of the skins.
Hey! Someone's got the whole signature thing figgered out!!!
As for your blue link, I have no idea how you got dgrin to do that. Are you pasting text in from another app, like Word or something? If you just make a link the simple way, it looks like this.
I have no idea what happened. The other times I was bringing quotes in copied from Word. That must be why they were blue. All I know is tonight I edited my signature, changed the word blue to white, typed in what I wanted, and there it was,,in white. Now on to my next hurdle, whatever that may be. Thanks everyone.
"12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop".
Ansel Adams
I have no idea what happened. The other times I was bringing quotes in copied from Word. That must be why they were blue. All I know is tonight I edited my signature, changed the word blue to white, typed in what I wanted, and there it was,,in white. Now on to my next hurdle, whatever that may be. Thanks everyone.
Word is bad for working on dgrin posts, in my experience. Well, I've never done it, but I've helped plenty of people who've had problems with it. I would recommend avoiding it. It does funky stuff. A basic text editor would be better, I believe.
It worked. I just have to change the color of the font now.
Ansel Adams
I am looking for a way to change the color of the font in my quote, but don't see that option. Does anybody know where I can find it?
Ansel Adams
Actually, we're not real keen on font colors other than default, as many users prefer to view the forum with the different skins offered. Using the default font color just makes posts easier to read for everybody. Moderators might change fonts back to default from time to time if they feel there might be a readability issue. In fact, we removed the dropdown choices a while back for that very reason.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Not even white? The quote I put in under my signature came up blue, and I thought it wasn't that easy to see. I figured what we type in our posts was white, so why can't the quote be white?
Ansel Adams
We're mostly concerned with the body of your message, for readability. Your signature is less of a concern. Go for it.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Ansel Adams
Sorry it's such a nested affair. Let us know how you get on.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
What you see are the signatures. You can add one in You->Edit Signature. As several people have already mentioned, it's not a good idea to mess with the font color. If you make it white, then the sig won't show for people using a white background. Best to let the system manage the colors.
Ansel Adams
Choosing a specific color may result it in being unreadable in some of the skins. & smugmug
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams
Hey! Someone's got the whole signature thing figgered out!!!
As for your blue link, I have no idea how you got dgrin to do that. Are you pasting text in from another app, like Word or something? If you just make a link the simple way, it looks like this.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Ansel Adams
Word is bad for working on dgrin posts, in my experience. Well, I've never done it, but I've helped plenty of people who've had problems with it. I would recommend avoiding it. It does funky stuff. A basic text editor would be better, I believe.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops