Nikon D60
What setting do you think I should have changed for this Photo of My New Puppy.
It was taken @ default on the D60
It was taken @ default on the D60
I had a Handle on Life,
Until It Broke
Until It Broke
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
I hope this made it
Until It Broke
Ok, first things first. This is a nice attempt, but lighter coloured animals (like my girlfriends palomino quarter horse) I feel require the camera to be set to spot metering. That way the camera tries to properly expose the dog instead of the rest of the image as well. I feel in shots like this, getting the animal exposed properly is the biggest and most important issue.
I would also try to get the dog out of the centre of the image, you could recrop it more towards abiding by the rule of thirds.
That should help make it look a lot less like a snap shot.
Also, try experimenting with changing the depth of field by putting your D60 in Aperture priority mode.
Also, you may want to squat down the next time. That way you're not shooting down at the puppy and are more on his level. That way he is not diminished in size by the angle.
But like I said earlier, all in all a great attempt.
By the way, what lens where you shooting with and what aperture and shutter speed and iso were used?
I hope that helps.
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
Jeff Meyers
Nice looking dog.......
I should be able to get the Settings off of NX View... shouldnt I?
Oh and thanks for the comments, They were very good, things I didnt realize. The lens was a Nikkor 80-200 that came with the D60 kit
Capt. Larry
Until It Broke
Yes, you should be able to get the settings from View NX by looking for an area called metadata.
Are you sure that you have the Nikon 80-200 f/2.8 ED? Because it will not AF on the D60 due to the D60's lack of an internal AF motor. In order for a lens to AF on the D60 it needs to be an AF-S lens or (HSM from Sigma), which means it has the AF motor inside the lens.
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
All photos are Copyrighted and Registered. Please don't use without permission.
5DSR 16-35 2.8L III 24-70 2.8L II 70-200 2.8L IS II
I apologize, it is a 55-200 VR Lens.
the 80 -200 is on m 8008s
Until It Broke
Here is a shot That I tried to use the shadows to my advantage, let me know what you think
Until It Broke
You have a really neat dog and it is a nice shot...Just a little soft