Hair 2 - dss 17 spoon feed me



Any ideas? Did I take it far enough or do I need to go further? I'm reshooting soon on my idea and I'll see what I can come up with, in the meantime, am I close? C + C appreciated. Thanks!
previous post is here:
4 other picture choices ---



Any ideas? Did I take it far enough or do I need to go further? I'm reshooting soon on my idea and I'll see what I can come up with, in the meantime, am I close? C + C appreciated. Thanks!
previous post is here:
4 other picture choices ---
If I had not seen the other set of images before these I would have no idea what I was looking at. (other than hair ;-)
Hope that helps.
It's not so bad that the only impression you got was hair... being the theme and all.:D