The Walkway.................IR

Howdy All,
One from the Beautiful Grounds of Houmas House Plantation in Southern Louisiana

Thanks for Looking, Shot with modded D70S
One from the Beautiful Grounds of Houmas House Plantation in Southern Louisiana

Thanks for Looking, Shot with modded D70S
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
I don't know anything about IR, but I do know that you've got it down
Was it Halloween still? or they grow pumpkins there?
Love those large pots lining both sides of the walkway.
Colour looks great Craig
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Crescent City Prints
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(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
I concur. Looks great. For the uninitiated of us here, can somebody explain how an IR gets colored like that? Is it an intensely manual operation, or are there certain tools that facilitate this?
Link to my Smugmug site
Howdy Randy,
Thanks very much!!!
Burleson, Texas
Thanks Azzaro, Appreciate it!!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Skippy,
They had the Grounds decorated for Fall, and they also have gardens on the Grounds, I am sure it was part of the Christmas decorations.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Chris,
Houmas House Plantation is one stunning beautiful place, we just loved it and even went back the Next day after the Wedding to shoot in the Daylight hours.
Burleson, Texas
Thanks very much, I have seen some pretty nice work with both Modded and Unmodded D200's.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy John,
Thanks very much, I am at work right now, but I'll try to post the original when I get home.
Burleson, Texas
Thanks Very much Travis!!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Joel,
Thanks for the kind reply, the "False Color" is introduced in PS by using the Channel Mixer and swapping the red and blue channel values in each one. Also, there are a lot of working with the Hues and levels that affect each image, and as they are all different with different lighting values and features they all come out somewhat different from each other.
Burleson, Texas
Facebook Fan Page
Jeff Meyers
Thanks Dan!!!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Jeff,
Thanks very much, I have really enjoyed the beautiful colors in your IR images.
Kindest Regards,
Burleson, Texas
Uh, VERY tongue in cheek
I like this one even more than the bench. But it does seem to be your MO be able to find an interesting subjet with an element that leads the eye right to it.
All photos are Copyrighted and Registered. Please don't use without permission.
5DSR 16-35 2.8L III 24-70 2.8L II 70-200 2.8L IS II
Thanks very much, so much of it is in the numbers, I shoot a tremendous amount of images, try many different comps and angles, and love to travel and luckily have a childs curiousity for everything so I am always wandering around and away.
I started out shooing IR about 5-6 years with a Sony F717, it was so made for IR, all you had to do was put it in Nightshot Mode, screw on an R-72 IR filter, and a ND8 filter and you were in business. The images processed either in B&W or False Color with pretty nice results. The Group I was shooting with at the time was really into it so they drug me into it and helped me learn.
The Natural progression was then to move into a modded DSLR, since the 2 drawbacks of shooting with the Sony was, small files, and slow shutter speeds and F-Stop. The Modded D70S that I acquired I immediately sent it off to LifePixel for the Mod, at the time all they offered was the standard R72 Type of Filter replacement. The Modding was done and returned within a week and I have loved it every since. There are plenty of camera's out there that combined with a IR Filter can/will produce stunning IR images, the main drawbacks are shutterspeed and therefore movement in the trees or water, or subject can induce blur, but sometimes that's a neat added feature.
So, you might look at the gear you have now, get either a B&W or R72 type of Filter and give it a try.
All for now, Thanks for your nice comments along the way, Kindest Regards,
Burleson, Texas