Searching for a title (DSS#18)

I'm stumped for a title. Anything come to mind?

Some that came to mind for me, but just didn't really hook me:
1. Masterpiece In Waiting
2. My Kingdom For A Canvas
3. Hidden Potential
Any other C&C is welcome also as usual.
Thanks for looking.
— Kevin

Some that came to mind for me, but just didn't really hook me:
1. Masterpiece In Waiting
2. My Kingdom For A Canvas
3. Hidden Potential
Any other C&C is welcome also as usual.
Thanks for looking.
— Kevin
That is officially a WAY cool shot.
As for a title....
Pastel Soldiers
Coloring Darkness
Colors in a Darkened World
Color Me....
Born to draw
And I like your suggestion... "My kingdom for a canvas"
I like some of the titles suggested, but there just hasn't been that Ah-ha moment yet. Other suggestions have been:
Knight Lights
Colors On Parade
I'll probably have my flash of brilliance five minutes after deadline as usual.
Thanks for looking.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
"Tips please"
Oh, and I agree, very cool shot!
"I see your point" or "And your point is..."
Hey! Leave it as is, and call it 'Stuck on Yellow'. Lol.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
"Low, pointing high" ...... Facebook