#18... Something different

So I had this idea... and we tried it. Does it work? I suppose it is actually both high key and low key, but mostly low key since the fairy is only teeny tiny in the picture.
Now I know Nikolai is not a kid person, but perhaps my little girl's fantastic expression will chip away at his predisposition against kids. :dunno
Next thing I need is a title... I was thinking
Awaken to the Magic
She is real!
First day on the job and now this...
Lost and Found
or something else more creative
help on that would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I do have the fairy's other foot available in its entirety, but I thought it might be cool if it was slightly out of frame to communicate the fact that she wants to be out of the picture... Does it work? Or does it just look like a bad crop job?

Edit: New version

And #3... with curly fairy dust
Now I know Nikolai is not a kid person, but perhaps my little girl's fantastic expression will chip away at his predisposition against kids. :dunno
Next thing I need is a title... I was thinking
Awaken to the Magic
She is real!
First day on the job and now this...
Lost and Found
or something else more creative
help on that would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I do have the fairy's other foot available in its entirety, but I thought it might be cool if it was slightly out of frame to communicate the fact that she wants to be out of the picture... Does it work? Or does it just look like a bad crop job?

Edit: New version

And #3... with curly fairy dust

First reaction: Laughter!
Its a really great concept!
"First day on the job, and Now this!" I'll say that one, because to me at least it looks like your little gal is screaming...which to me means it needs to conjugate with a funny title. I can't think of a better one~
I wonder if you could still tone it down some and get away with it?
Modeling is NOT easy: Great Model!
Off topic: Are ya'll close to Redoubt?
cheers, tom
ps: Your little girl must be tickled that she and you can work together~
A couple of thoughts...
I'd like to see your young'un a little darker and more shadowed - not only for the LK effect, but I think it could add to the sense of the scene (waking up in the dark, the fairy being the source of light etc etc)
I think I would prefer the tip of the foot, but what about some motion blur or waves to give your fairy-person the sense of movement?
Great concept!
I think that Divamum has made some excellent suggestions to make the photo more low key. And I do think you need the fairy's entire foot in the frame, though I appreciate the idea behind cropping it out. Some motion blur might work. I envisage the head in focus and the dress etc. stretching out behind her as though you had used a second curtain flash. Maybe easier said that done in post but it might be fun to try.
Am I seeing correctly? Is the tooth fairy wearing glasses!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
And as a side note, my son lost this same tooth a couple days ago!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Thanks for the confirmation about my sanity...
I wonder if it is just because I know her but to me her expression says "Wow, lookie there!". But there are a couple of you that are saying that she looks like she is screaming. Hmmm. Interesting.
As to your question about Redoubt, yes.... we are fairly close. We might get a bit of fall out. It irritates me because we finally got some snow after not having any for about 3 weeks... and if the volcano makes my snow all dirty I am going to be ticked! (I know, least of my worries, huh. A woman's priorities!)
Both my daughter's love to help me do things like this... But I do have to admit the one in the bed was getting rather tired of participating toward the end. And this is the second to last shot I took out of 140. Poor dear. She was happy to actually sleep in the bed after that.
I thought about doing a motion blur... but I have a problem with that- If my shutter speed was slow enough to create a motion blur, then it would also be slow enough that the wings would need to be blurred independently from the body (because of the flapping) And I can't figure out how to do that.
My mom always tells about my uncle tying a string around his tooth and slamming the door (which didn't pull the tooth). A little bit later, he was watching the washer spin and the string caught on some clothes and it popped right on out.
For some reason, my girls have it in their heads that the tooth fairy wears glasses. They were a MUST for this shoot.
Someone else commented on the ruby red slippers... they were chosen due to what was available in the same dress up clothes chest. (Yeah, I carefully agonized over the fairy's wardrobe...not)
oH? Too Funny.
I see now that our working model was tired of the photo-director/photographer/mommy for taking just one too many retakes~
I like the darkening! And I'm with Kerry here, perhaps just a Fairy dust trail....however one does that
SO...dirty snow or no...not interested in photographing the events if Redoubt spurts? Those photos from 1989-1990 are awesome~
Ok, so before I saw you had a tutorial link on there I did this... which followed 3 out of 4 of his steps.... Do you think it needs a redo? It is quite a bit more girly than his fairy dust. But I like girly, I suppose! (Now the question is does Nik an Sherstone?) I do like how this fairy dust has the motion of coming forward and then beginning to pull back, rather than just forward. Because she already has the "tooth" in her hand and so she had already been under the pillow.
Do you like my fairy dust? I'll put this one up at the beginning of the thread as well for ease of new comers.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I don't think there are roads to places near the mountain, though it is only around 150 miles or so from here....(Guessing! Maybe JAG knows better where it is at or has a secret way to get there!
My sister-in-law got stuck in Seattle for four days on her way home from college last time Redoubt blew its top. How strange it will be to have ash all over the snow!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
OK... I added even more glow. What do you think now?
It is just on the edge of what I can stand as far as too much...
AWESOME! I love it.
Ooo... thinking out loud... what about a small amount of fairy dust from tooth to mouth, like that's how it got there?
I love this, Heather!
I don't see the glow on the little dust trails, but my eyesight starts to suck this time of day. :giggle The important thing is that you're happy with it. I think the dust makes for a very cute addition.
...And now I'll stop hasslin' ya'.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus