
Fill the Bag

Darren Troy CDarren Troy C Registered Users Posts: 1,927 Major grins
edited February 10, 2009 in Cameras
Ok, for the Umpteenth-Bazillion time, let's hear some advice on filling the pockets on the "All-Purpose" camera bag. I currently have a 70-200mm 2.8 and a 50mm 1.4. I'm THINKING of filling the gap with one of the following scenarios:

11-16mm 2.8 / 16-85mm 3.5-5.6

11-16mm 2.8 / 17-70mm 2.8-4.5 hsm macro

12-24mm 4 / 24-70mm 2.8

My goal/s...

1. Wide landscape capability.
2. Wide wedding capability with moderate zoom capability (wide cathedral shots-wide group shots -have a flash so not a huge problem with indoor slow apertures-)

Majority rules so, I'll add up the results and take an average. Feel free to toss in your own combinations if you feel there is something I've missed.

Ok, hit me with it....!


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    bosco0633bosco0633 Registered Users Posts: 52 Big grins
    edited February 10, 2009
    your off to agreat start with the 70-200mm f2.8. I would buy the three pack. So purchase the 12-24 f2.8 and the 24-70 f2.8. These two with the 70-200 f2.8 cover off so much fast glass great quality.

    This is my dream team. I am going to buy one a year until I have all three. This year is my 105 macro and my 50mm 1.4.

    I wouldnt even consider the other lenses, but that is just me. I am so very, very, very, very jealous right now.
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    Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited February 10, 2009
    One has to assume that you are shooting FF. Otherwise, I would have to add:
    • EF-S 10-22 / EF 24-105
    • EF-S 10/22 / EF-S 17-55
    to your list
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    MJRPHOTOMJRPHOTO Registered Users Posts: 432 Major grins
    edited February 10, 2009
    14-24 f2.8
    24-70 f2.8
    70-200 f2.8 VR

    I don't leave home without them.
    Nikon D4, Nikon D3, Nikon D3
    Nikon 14-24 f2.8, Nikon 24-70 f2.8, Nikon 70-200 f2.8 VR II, Nikon 50 f1.8, Nikon 85 f1.4
    Nikon 300 f2.8 VR, Nikon 200-400 f4.0 VR II, Nikon 600 f4.0 II, TC-1.4, TC 1.7, TC 2.0
    (1) SB-800, (2) SB-900, (4) Multi Max Pocket Wizards
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    dancorderdancorder Registered Users Posts: 197 Major grins
    edited February 10, 2009
    I assume you're talking about Nikon here as I don't think Canon has a 12-24 f4

    Given that you're happy with a DX wide have you considered the Sigma 10-20 instead? It's even wider than 12mm :D

    All the reviews I've seen love the new 14-24 f2.8 and 24-70 f2.8 but if you're sticking with DX the 14mm may not be wide enough, on full frame though it's wider than a 10mm on DX.

    (Please bear in mind the only one of the above I actually own is the Sigma)
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