Your use of Orton in the one "woods" shot you showed awhile back put me
onto Orton in the first place. Its a nice method. To be honest I forget to
try it in some of the pieces I could possibly use it on. I got to quit that.
Your use of Orton in the one "woods" shot you showed awhile back put me
onto Orton in the first place. Its a nice method. To be honest I forget to
try it in some of the pieces I could possibly use it on. I got to quit that.
Yes you do.....I will keep and eye out for and Orton by daddyO .... azzaro
Nice! It has an air of the ominous to it. Very classic horror flickish. Almost expect the wolfman to walk into the scene.
Thanks Jack for the nice comment........Warren Earp is buried in this cemetery, if history is accurate, he could be a bigger problem than a werewolf. THANKS FOR COMMENTING azzaro
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited February 18, 2009
Hi Azzaro,
I like this shot a lot. You got a really nice effect with this one. Keep up the good work.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thanks for the positive comment.......
And thank you for the nice comment....... azzaro
Thanks daddyO for the nice comment........ Some times Orton works and some times it doesn't...... It seemed to work on this one...... azzaro
onto Orton in the first place. Its a nice method. To be honest I forget to
try it in some of the pieces I could possibly use it on.
Yes you do.....I will keep and eye out for and Orton by daddyO ....
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks Jack for the nice comment........Warren Earp is buried in this cemetery, if history is accurate, he could be a bigger problem than a werewolf.
I like this shot a lot. You got a really nice effect with this one. Keep up the good work.
THANKS TOM.......... azzaro