Very strange icicles

I decided to check out my favorite summer swimming hole for some possible shots and I found the strangest icicles. Hard to tell, but these are all B&W.
Anyone ever seen these before?

Anyone ever seen these before?

Zac Williams
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Jeff Meyers
#2 especially
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How would I get #1 to not be so blurry in the future?
I like this one too, however the top seems to be blown out.
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
That would be my guess, Cool effect.
Those have got to be the weirdest icicles I've ever seen
Just keep an eye on where your focus is and how much depth you have. Here you seem to have focused on the fourth and depth of field is limited enough to blur all the others. A smaller aperture would help to extend your depth, but consider focusing on the first icicle and have just enough depth to focus the second, but blur the rest.
I was guessing snowbanks. The bulges are all at the same level, so it's gotta be something in that vein.