20D and WA?
When I got my 20D I was told by a canon rep. that the camera doesn't support the WA compact flash cards... well it writes to the cards but it can't take advantage of the "WA" tech. Today I was told that the Canon 20D in fact can use the "WA" tech. and using the lexar 12mb/sec (80x?) cards the camara shoot great!
So... can any one shine some light on this? The Rep I talked to at first was from canon's 1800 customer care... maybe the last firmware updated or added the "WA" tech??? I shoot with 1.8mb/sec cards as I was told "wa" was no good and thats about the speed the camara will be able to write.... and info would be great!! Wolf camera has 80x cards with rebate till the end of the month.... so do I or do I not buy the 80x? lol
So... can any one shine some light on this? The Rep I talked to at first was from canon's 1800 customer care... maybe the last firmware updated or added the "WA" tech??? I shoot with 1.8mb/sec cards as I was told "wa" was no good and thats about the speed the camara will be able to write.... and info would be great!! Wolf camera has 80x cards with rebate till the end of the month.... so do I or do I not buy the 80x? lol
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...will be useful to you.
As you can see Sandisk Extreme is the best preformer on the 20D and is what I use. (marginal...I know)
Well now I can toss (use for other stuff) these 1.8 and go 12... thank you every one!!
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust