Dss 20 - Zzzzzzzzzzz

I found my cat dozing in a box filled with rags and thought I'd try some attempts at "serenity".


After I posted the pics of my cat, my dog got up on the sofa chair and obliged me with these. Divamum ought to appreciate this -- she was listening to an opera on the radio as she was so kindly posing for me. A "serene" Border Collie is almost a contradiction in terms. Must have been the arias? :huh :rofl




After I posted the pics of my cat, my dog got up on the sofa chair and obliged me with these. Divamum ought to appreciate this -- she was listening to an opera on the radio as she was so kindly posing for me. A "serene" Border Collie is almost a contradiction in terms. Must have been the arias? :huh :rofl



I like the softness around the first vignette.
I like the second for the detail.
How about something in between?
He/she certainly looks peaceful.
Attempting to find beauty in the simple things!! :huh
Nikon D80 - Nikkor 55-200 4-5.6 VR &
Nikkor 18-70 3.5-4.5
My only nit is that in all of them except #4 I'm getting some blown highlights... can you tweak those down?
They're all really lovely, but #3 is just smashing - not sure if you added a white vignette or if that's light, but either way - works for me !
and I'm a cat lover but can switch for a sweet dogs eyes.
Arizona, USA
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Jeff Meyers
Divamum -- that's a white vignette in #3.
Me too! #4
The word that came to mind, wistful.
My SmugMug
So that leaves me with my doggie shots and I'm torn between these two because of the dreamy look she obliged me with (what a ham
A redo of #3:
Or #4:
And, she really was listening to opera when I took that series of photos.
Too funny. What was the broadcast on Saturday? I seldom listen to it (bad singer, I know, but I'm just not usually HOME at that time of day, so it's simply not practical - when I want to hear it, we usually get the internet stream later....
It was Donizetti's Don Pasquale. Had to look that one up on WRTI.org and it didn't list who the soloists were.
I like the original number 5 on the 1st page because the dog is looking at the camera... I don't care for the white vignette, did you try a dark vignette?
Yep. I experimented with a dark vignette and it just seemed to swallow the entire picture.
OOPS! I just noticed a typo and you brought it out. That was a #4 repost not #5. Thanks. I'll have to make that correction.
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