DSS #20 : Possible entries ?
Wasn't sure about what to do for this one (had no really interesting idea) but I've been told that some of this pictures may fit the theme (thanks Gail aka The Curious Camel
). There were all taken during a session last week in Verdun - a city famous for its WWI battle but also for peace now (in fact I had to spend a few hours there waiting for my car to be repaired...). I had some luck to be there when the light became a bit more interesting.
I think these 3 might fit the theme better. What do you think ?
#1 The World Peace Center - Verdun

#2 Verdun - Capital city of peace

#3 Verdun - Capital city of peace (stitched from 3 different shots)

Thanks for looking. Any critique welcome

I think these 3 might fit the theme better. What do you think ?
#1 The World Peace Center - Verdun

#2 Verdun - Capital city of peace

#3 Verdun - Capital city of peace (stitched from 3 different shots)

Thanks for looking. Any critique welcome

They're all really nice, but I think I like #3 the best. The only thing is perhaps it could use straightening (looks to me like it's tilting to the right), and I wonder how it would look with that light bit of extra path on the left hand side cropped out?
I really like three and agree with divamum that it needs straighted and maybe curves or levels adjustments to bighten up a tiny bit.
All of them are beautiful but I like three best.
Peace, gail
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Here is #3 with distorsion corrected, a slight curves adjustment and sharpening :
I did not include more of the left street because of a white van just passing there and disturbing the view.
In fact... Years ago I was looking for a nickname to be used in online video games. Since I'm a great fan of celtic mythology and lore I picked up this Welsh expression "Tylwydd Teg" (meaning the fairy people of Wales). I only kept tylwydd because I found it sounded good (at least in french) and rather unusual (I don't like screen names with numbers and signs). I'm not even sure about the right pronounciation. But I kept this name and used it in 2D/3D forums, as well as in many other things... I'm afraid there's no other (and more interesting) story behind !
Ha! And here I was thinking you might be from "Duluth" and just being clever in your spelling! Thanks for the explanation
And I kept thinking it was "Tolouse" with a lisp.
Oh, and, uh...#3.
I don't agree. It's a nice shot of a nice place, but #1 really just doesn't move me at all. The light on #3, however, is very dramatic. I think #3 is a much more powerful photograph. And your going to need something special because the competition for this one should be rough.
Whilst I like #1, I agree with Justiceiro #3 is the more dramatic image.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Tuh-loo-uhth (y= uh as in "cut" w= oo and dd= voiced th as in "they")
ok, now I am curious about the pronunciation(?) ....sigh
My SmugMug
See post immediately above yours...
Shooting directly to the sun blows out some parts of the sky indeed. Here are some minor adjustment (not to loose the contrast of the sky) :
Slightly better like this ?