Color Version of my DSS 20 Entry

So, after working on my Messatsu Go Hado (Murderous Strong Surge), I couldn't for the life of me, create a realistic fireball. So I decided to add some blood to the following photo.
What you see here, is the aftermath of a very forbidden technique in Shotokan. Glorified in video games, this technique attacks all 12 meridians (Small intestine, Triple Heater, Large intestine, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Heart, Governing vessel, Lungs, Bladder, and Gall bladder) in succsesive distructive order. (Ie. water->fire->metal->wood->earth->water-> etc.) Ultimately resulting in a very painful death.
Mutsu Hissatsu Ten (Instant Kill Murder) AKA The Raging Demon
What you see here, is the aftermath of a very forbidden technique in Shotokan. Glorified in video games, this technique attacks all 12 meridians (Small intestine, Triple Heater, Large intestine, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Heart, Governing vessel, Lungs, Bladder, and Gall bladder) in succsesive distructive order. (Ie. water->fire->metal->wood->earth->water-> etc.) Ultimately resulting in a very painful death.
Mutsu Hissatsu Ten (Instant Kill Murder) AKA The Raging Demon

:uhoh :tiptoe
My SmugMug
If the blood has presumably come from the victim, perhaps add some drips? Not sure how one would do that in ps, but (for me) it needs to look slightly more 3-dimensional liquid to seem like it's come from an accident.
What do you mean it seems like it came from an accident?
I should have shot this with a victim. Unfortunately, I didn't have one at the time. I would have volunteered my self, but my damn tripod was being used to hold the reflector... And the back story was for the title. Not sure how many people here speak Japanese.
And for the record, this is the serenity part. ;-)
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...