dss #20 - considering entering for the first time

I have a few images that I have considered for DSS #20. I'm posting them here in the hopes of getting some honest feedback of which are the best and if any captured the spirit of the challenge:
#1 - Serene and Chaotic - Lake reflection with wavy trees

#2 - Serene

#3 - Serene

#4 - It's quite a bit serene, but almost chaotic in the number of trees and the contrasts between black and white.

#5 - Serene

#6 - Serene

Any feedback is much appreciated
#1 - Serene and Chaotic - Lake reflection with wavy trees

#2 - Serene

#3 - Serene

#4 - It's quite a bit serene, but almost chaotic in the number of trees and the contrasts between black and white.

#5 - Serene

#6 - Serene

Any feedback is much appreciated

Thank you all for the great feedback!
Here is #1 with a levels adjustment -- further feedback is definitely appreciated.
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
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More feedback is always welcome -- I'm quite impressed by just how many of you have commented so far
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
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However the blown highlight in the top right corner keeps grabbing my eye and spoiling the image. You might want to try some selective dodge/burn (I never remember which is which) to lower that area back down a bit.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Yeah -- the spot looks pretty bad. I also don't quite have a handle on my dodge/burn skills (I did give it a little try), so I've cheated a bit and cropped that out of the image and come up with:
I think the original intent of the image is still maintained. What are your thoughts?
That said, I did already submit my picture of the snowy wood (#4) and am a bit torn between pulling that one and submitting this one in its current status.
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
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Thanks for all the great feedback! You guys have definitely convinced me to go with the final modification to #1 as opposed to #4.
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
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I think you're right -- I just passed it back through the black and white filter and I can definitely tell there was some tone to it. Let me submit version E into the challenge gallery.
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
That one looks like it. Very pretty!
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