Custom Knife Product Shot Take 2

It was always my intention to go with a variety of backgrounds
along with simple white. Low budget productions + trial version
photomatix. Looks like I am going to have to buy that program.
7 knifes... 4 varied flat backgrounds... 3 +/- exposures per knife
each background.
Result for you hard liners. :roflI hope this measures up to standards.
along with simple white. Low budget productions + trial version
photomatix. Looks like I am going to have to buy that program.
7 knifes... 4 varied flat backgrounds... 3 +/- exposures per knife
each background.
Result for you hard liners. :roflI hope this measures up to standards.

You got it now, man. That's looking pretty good.
This darn thread has cost me serious money though. That lead that Azzaro gave you about KnifeArt took me to their site and I bought a couple of the knives they were selling. I've always been a sucker for a good blade.
Nice to know this shot gets the job done much better.
by way of thoughtful redirect. Nice. Personally couldn't hang on that site
or others like it too long for fear of similar result. I gots kids with needs.
I barely slipped by with my Springfield XD 45 purchase. My lovely wife
keeps on me (just a bit) bout that. God bless trade offs.
Tom if you come back to this thread try this site...... Let me know what you think....
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
My Galleries
Starting to think most backgrounds will draw the attention away. Considering relative and depending per anything. Think I'll just get the quicky shots out to the client and work on artful when the chance affords itself.
Thanks Jack!
How'd you "lift the knife" ? Like to know how you did that and
how clean it can be made to happen.
I did this very quickly and not as carefully as I could with more time just to show the possibility. I have an appointment to go to right now but will post the steps when I get back.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Really nice.
Knew it when I was doing it but I still didn't slightly elevate the blades
a quarter inch or so like I have done before. Your examples well illustrate
how important it can be to do that.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)