DSS 20; Which One??

I had a chance to go out yesterday... made the family sit in the car while I tresspassed :wink
I did not go unnoticed but folks out here are pretty nice... the guy couldn't understand why I wanted to take pictures there... what do you think???
I like #1 better but my hubby says number 2 is more dramatic...so that leave me indesisive...
1. When Mother Nature Reclaims

2. (same title) When Mother Nature Reclaims

Thanks for the last minute help... and yes, there are probably spelling mistakes here.... I can't spell :dunno
I did not go unnoticed but folks out here are pretty nice... the guy couldn't understand why I wanted to take pictures there... what do you think???
I like #1 better but my hubby says number 2 is more dramatic...so that leave me indesisive...
1. When Mother Nature Reclaims

2. (same title) When Mother Nature Reclaims

Thanks for the last minute help... and yes, there are probably spelling mistakes here.... I can't spell :dunno
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."
Shucks...I don't think I'm much help here.
Nice job.
I like them both but have a preference for #1, IMO it displays the theme better.
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