My mixed bag.
Hello Everyone,
I just started taking pics, the following are using a Casio Exilim point and shoot.
I've been thinking of upgrading to an SLR, do you think I'm ready? Let me know what you think of the pictures! :photo

I just started taking pics, the following are using a Casio Exilim point and shoot.
I've been thinking of upgrading to an SLR, do you think I'm ready? Let me know what you think of the pictures! :photo

(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Welcome to Dgrin.
Couldn't agree more with Jacks comments.
Point and shoots can do a fine job, so in my estimation they can't be
discounted as mere toys delivering worthless photos.
Of course that depends on which point and shoot one is using.
Looks like you have a natural eye for composition.
Small point. Watch those horizon lines or straighten in PP.
Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.
Thanks for the horizon tip, I didn't even notice until you mentioned it.
Agree on the point and shoots, they can produce some gems.:andy
Does "they eye" develop with practice or is it something you have or don't?
A good eye continues developing with every picture.