HMMMM So what should I do?

I just bought this cannon A80 camera. Its a great little camera and everything I wanted at the time. But after playing with it more and having a camera that didn't eat batteries like my kodak did (25 shots on a set of batteries over a two week period lots of on an off's vs 175 shots with lots of on and off's over a three-four week period) I want to start taking classes at a local school. Course requirement is an SLR camera. I can get film SLR's right and left and very low prices. I hate film. I have to pay to have it developed and all that crap. Which I'm sure wouldnt be a problem in school at learning all of that is part of the class however I would much preffer a DSLR as Digitals just work better for me. Are there any really good low cost DSLR's anyone would recommend or should I just bite the bullet and save up for the Canon 10D that I really want. Or even a Sigma SD9 which I really like the looks of (but know the 10D is a qualtiy camera as my dad own's one).
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
On the other hand, I could be completly wrong
Either way I'd make sure what equipment they want you to have before you buy anything.
Canon is widely held to have the better IS telephotos and Nikon, many feel, has the better wide angles. Which is more important to you? Long or short? If your father has Canon, this may be a better choice for you or not. But if you can share and exchange with your dad, seems like the White hat ( some Canon lens are painted white ) would make more sense.
The only available interchangeable lens digital SLRS cheaper than the 10D which seems to be out of your budget, are the Canon 300D Digital Rebel and the Nikon D70. Both cameras are very nice imagemakers, and either will get you started in digital photography. But you will need to spend at least $1000 to $1400 to buy them with a single lens. The D70 is slightly higher than the Rebel.
An alternative, if you do not need an interchangeable lens would be something like the Sony 828 or the Minolta A2 - Zoom digicams with electronic viewfinders with 8 Mpxl sensors. These cameras can take very nice pictures - they have more pixels than a 10D for example - and used within their range can produce excellent pictures
Michael Reichman has an excellent article comparing the images created by the 8 mgpxl digicams like the Sony or the Minolta A2 or the Olympus 8080 with the Canon 1DMkii which is a $4500 professional camera- the results are very interesting and much closer in 11x14 prints than you might imagine. You can find the article here It is well worth reading before you make a decsion to buy and DSLR.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I really like that caveat.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
By the way, do you race the 300Z??? If so, what kind of racing (Auto-X, club, drag)?
I don't really think there is a need to plan on having both a Canon & Nikon dSLR. The two companies really push each other (A perfect example is the D100 -> EOS-300D -> D70). So I don't see one really starting to lag behind the other in any particular area.
Pathfinder mentioned that some people think that Nikon has the edge in wideangle glass. I'd point out that Sigma has produced some award winning wideangle glass over the years. The nice thing about the Sigma stuff is you could get it for Canon or Nikon!
Nope don't race the 300zxt just yet in the process of restoring it. Mainly my fun weekend toy that needs some work on her. But that should be done in the next 6 months or so.
Still working towards that 6 figure income though.