

jeffmeyersjeffmeyers Registered Users Posts: 1,535 Major grins
edited March 28, 2009 in Other Cool Shots
The weather has been awful on the beach this year. When the rain stopped for a bit yesterday I took the dog for a walk on the beach. I didn't take my DSLR because of the threat of more rain, so I put my Lumix Lx3 in my pocket. This is about the only good image I captured all day yesterday, and it was from my point and shoot!

More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it]
Jeff Meyers


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    JustPlainMeJustPlainMe Registered Users Posts: 190 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    jeffmeyers wrote:
    The weather has been awful on the beach this year. When the rain stopped for a bit yesterday I took the dog for a walk on the beach. I didn't take my DSLR because of the threat of more rain, so I put my Lumix Lx3 in my pocket. This is about the only good image I captured all day yesterday, and it was from my point and shoot!
    Uugh. I never should have clicked on a post titled "Jellyfish." I thought . . . jellyfish in St. Louis? Nah. My heart is still racing. I have a residual phobia of jellies from my Laser training days during plebe summer. Man-o-war have a face only a mother could love. My dad had a terrible time from the sting of one of those when he was in college. Were they all over the beach? Great shot, by the way. Love the colors of the blob and the dramatic sky. I'd never take the time to get down that low, you're pretty hard core! rolleyes1.gif

    Sarah G.
    Monroe, LA
    Please ignore my opinions! And if I ask for constructive criticism, please give it to me. I have really thick skin! :huh
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    jeffmeyersjeffmeyers Registered Users Posts: 1,535 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    Sarah! You've been incognito on Dgrin. I didn't know you were on. Cool. I don't have any experiences with this little buggers. I stay clear. Yeah, since it's been storming here all week they are all over the beach. I'm going to try to get some macros and other shots of them when the weather clears tomorrow. Thanks!
    More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it]
    Jeff Meyers
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    JustPlainMeJustPlainMe Registered Users Posts: 190 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    jeffmeyers wrote:
    Sarah! You've been incognito on Dgrin. I didn't know you were on. Cool. I don't have any experiences with this little buggers. I stay clear. Yeah, since it's been storming here all week they are all over the beach. I'm going to try to get some macros and other shots of them when the weather clears tomorrow. Thanks!

    Creepy. Can't wait to see them. Maybe you can change my mind about how much I despise those critters.

    I've been here, lurking mostly, learning a ton and thoroughly regretting my move to a dSLR. I've only posted a couple shots, I'm too chicken. Have a good rest-of-vacation.

    Please ignore my opinions! And if I ask for constructive criticism, please give it to me. I have really thick skin! :huh
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    jeffmeyersjeffmeyers Registered Users Posts: 1,535 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    Creepy. Can't wait to see them. Maybe you can change my mind about how much I despise those critters.

    I've been here, lurking mostly, learning a ton and thoroughly regretting my move to a dSLR. I've only posted a couple shots, I'm too chicken. Have a good rest-of-vacation.


    Why are you regretting your move?
    More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it]
    Jeff Meyers
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    JustPlainMeJustPlainMe Registered Users Posts: 190 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    jeffmeyers wrote:
    Why are you regretting your move?
    I don't want to hijack your thread . . . eek7.gif

    Over the past six months I've realized that my major interest in photography is primarily as the family historian. While I love the artistry and skill involved in stunning landscapes, abstract photography, and macros, that's not what I am really interested in right now. My goal is for my children and their kids to someday look through my pictures and know who I was, what our family was like, what a regular day felt like.

    I really, really miss my Fuji. And I really, really wanted their pro dSLR, but it's $2000, and I haven't got that kind of money. I need a piano first!

    I had to decide which lens to bring with me to Charleston for my cousin's wedding a few weeks back and I picked the wrong one, of course, and missed a bazillion shots. Thanks to my pursuit of better photography, I now cringe at using flash in low light so now I need a fast lens. I'd rather spend my $$ on something else, but that "rather" is only slightly outweighed by my frustration with crappy shots. He-he. I keep trying to talk myself out of my guilt.

    The learning curve makes me nervous. I get a hold on one thing, and 50 more things pop up to make me realize how inadequately I'm doing all this.

    The one thing I have appreciated is that since I spent the money, I've felt compelled to keep up with Project 365 and have, in fact, taken at least one---sometimes several hundred---frame(s) a day. And I'm not jittery anymore about throwing away 98% of my frames. So I'm getting my money's worth. And I've learned RAW processing, and I'm appreciating (other people's) great photography even more.

    Please ignore my opinions! And if I ask for constructive criticism, please give it to me. I have really thick skin! :huh
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    AzzaroAzzaro Registered Users Posts: 5,643 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    Hi Jeff..........That is a really great shot thumb.gif azzaro
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    DaddyODaddyO Registered Users Posts: 4,466 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    Nice composition. Its a very telling shot. Well done. thumb.gif
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    kygardenkygarden Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    Nice. I love my LX3 too. Great camera as a companion to a D-SLR.
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