The moon is Not a ballon

This is shot of moon taken last night with my D70 at 300mm 1/320 f5.4, 200 ISO in RAW. I purposely over sharpened it and applied some extra grain to enhance the contour of the craters and emphasize the fact that the surface of the moon is anything but smooth. Usually you can only get any sense of relief at the terminator (area to the left in this phase) where the sunlight is striking the moons surface almost parallel thus enhancing the shadows cast by the craters, but by adding the grain and over sharpening to the photo you can see some additional relief toward the center where most shots show the surface as appearing smooth, which the moon is anything but.


"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
