DSS #21 Unofficial Feedback Thread

Sometime you have to go backward to move forward :scratch
We've had C&C for DSS #22 so now it's time for DSS #21
Here is the official gallery to give your C&C for DSS#21 :Gallery Found Here
This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, Lets get #21 Feedback started!!
This thread is:
You can also post comments at the DSS #21 gallery for the individual pictures.
We've had C&C for DSS #22 so now it's time for DSS #21
Here is the official gallery to give your C&C for DSS#21 :Gallery Found Here
This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, Lets get #21 Feedback started!!
This thread is:
- a place to post a list of your top ten favorites. (be heard, and let everyone know what images moved you.)
- a place to post your "the making of my image"
- a place to ask someone "how did they do that?"(for us all to see:D )
You can also post comments at the DSS #21 gallery for the individual pictures.
OK, I'll start it off with my Top 12. As usual, in no particular order that I will admit to..
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
A few of my favorites. (In no particular order.)
Good luck everyone.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Two of the stand-outs for me are "Trash Couture" and "Punk"... I really like the colors in both, and they really feel like "real" book covers to me. They are also both books I'd buy if I saw them in the store!
I want to know... from the "author" of "Punk"... is that your daughter? Cool kid, and I love the blue hair!
Oh, and PS... My pick #4 - "The Mourning Of Angels" - That one made me put the Lensbaby Composer on my Amazon wishlist.
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
The Dang Gallery on DangRabbit - Follow me on Twitter or on Facebook
Leica M8: Zeiss 35mm f/2 Biogon and 50mm f/2 Planar; Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5, 50mm f/1.5 Nokton and 75mm f/2.5 Heliar
Olympus E-P1: Zuiko 14-42 and 25mm f/2.8 Pancake; Panasonic 45-200mm and 20mm f/1.7; and M-to-m4/3 adaptor
Olympus e620: Zuiko 14-54 f/2.8-3.5
"If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?" - Anonymous
and of course
Arrogant aren't I?? Just kidding...
Great work everyone.
There is some really excellent work here!
My SmugMug
my favs (no order)
EF-S 18-55mm
EF 75-300mm
OH GOD, I sound like my MOTHER!!! Yikes!!
My SmugMug
Does it really matter if you Get It or Not?
The idea (IMO for this challenge) was to create a bookcover that would arouse your mind enough that you would stop and pick it up, if even only to flip thru the pages. I believe this cover did just that. Simplistic, with a touch of mystery, the color tones of blue, make you wonder if it has something to do with "HE"....WHO is HE?
The cover is not overly done and not all book covers are works of art, they are provided to intrique the reader, in its simplicity, I believe this cover has caused an impact in the viewer's mind...."wonder" and to the visual aspect with the addition of the different hues of blue in a patchwork presentation...Blue being a mellow and calm color.
Donna P.
It made you want to know more, didn't it? For a book cover, the artist just made you pick up the book to figure out what it's about.
This one was one of my personal faves.
Excuse me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that since you are the NEW challenge ring leader, you could not express your opinion as to your favorites one way or another...I don't ever remember Em expressing her favorites in the forum, unless she was the judge and had to critique on the photos that were selected.
it would have made my top three.....
I can't like photos anymore now that I'm ringleader?
DQ'd. :cry
I never said you were Emily.
You can like as many photos as you like, but the norm (did I read this somewhere in another thread) around here since Em went into this, was that the Ring Leader did not express her thoughts about any of the entries, so that people would not scream or for that matter even think biaism, favoritism, thus making the challenge continue to run smoothly.
But your the ring leader and can do as you want, I only expressed an opinion and a concern.
Yes, the photo made me stop and look, so it did accomplish that. That is what I was looking for.
I never said I didn't like it or that it was bad... It did accomplish me thinking, "what is that about? " It did its job.
So now I get it.
My SmugMug
what i was meaning was where is it? its not in the gallery for me to thumbnail link to.
you didnt start anything, but next time you should ask the specific photog to explain their vision before making a post like the way you did....all imo
well it would actually help us to know what you like so when you are a judge we can gear toward your likes...
but seriously as long as im on your list all is well....:D
Donna: Thanks for your opinion. I will take it into account and am happy to keep my opinions to myself, or express them in the galleries, though they have no influence on anything, unless I'm judging.
Dnie: Critiquing is an art. Hang around these parts to get a feel for it. Even better, go check out The Whipping Post forum for some awesome critiques.
AaronNelson: DQ's get moved out of the entry gallery to avoid confusing the judges.
And back to your regularly scheduled unofficial thread!
sorry again to all.
My SmugMug
dont stress, i dont think anybody is all that uptight about it....
i was just sayin... maybe talk directly to the photog on this thread about their entry... if anybody gets it more i would guess its them....
Thanks everyone for your feedback both in the gallery and here with your top ten picks. I'm not sure how much of a behind the scenes is needed for it since the EXIF gallery pretty much reveals all.
There was a question of lighting from Linda (richtersl). The lighting was achieved by the morning sun on the right of the model and one full power flash on a stand behind a shoot through umbrella, on the left. I really liked how the two color temperatures played together.
Some of the images that I really liked this round are:
Yes I know there is more than 10.... each one has something that caught my eye, thank you!
- all the entries are just fantastic!!!
Hard to pick only few favorites. Congratulations all
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I double checked that the EXIF data was still appended to the picture. Everyone who has commented, has said this or that about a book cover that would make one stop and take another look at it. I certainly think mine does that.
I R confused?
Over this way: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=1082507&postcount=80
EXIF only showed filename and dimensions. No "date taken" information.
Don't feel too bad. I had something similar happen.
I couldn't find your entry anywhere. Care to link it?
EF-S 18-55mm
EF 75-300mm
I barely know where to start with favorites for this one there are so many extraordinary images, but these ones were real jawdroppers for me (in order of entry):