#23 - Two choices for Saturated

#1 Blue and Gold Macaw (lucked out with some perfect overcast front light and a nice background)

The arrival of Spring on the University of Washington (Seattle) campus:

I think #1 fits the theme better. Plus macaws are just plain cool birds. But I like the second too as it's been a LONG DAMN TIME since we've had any color around here, and the cherry blossoms are one of the first signs of Spring has arrived.
Anyway, interested in feedback, thanks!

The arrival of Spring on the University of Washington (Seattle) campus:

I think #1 fits the theme better. Plus macaws are just plain cool birds. But I like the second too as it's been a LONG DAMN TIME since we've had any color around here, and the cherry blossoms are one of the first signs of Spring has arrived.
Anyway, interested in feedback, thanks!

EF-S 18-55mm
EF 75-300mm
I really like the second shot a lot, but you're right, #1 just fits the theme far better!
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