Idea: Make challenge periods Wed-Wed instead of Mon-Mon?

Just throwing this out there, feel free to tell me I'm an idiot - though you'll have to take a number and get in line 
I do most of my shooting on the weekends, often at sunset and dusk on Sunday night (or I'm away Saturday and Sunday, or I'm on-call one of the two weekends and can't really get out much). Having the challenge period close on Monday morning makes it really difficult to process those photos in time and pretty much impossible to get any feedback before submission.
In some cases the photo I ended up submitting wasn't my favorite one that I took during the challenge period because I ran out of time. In this current challenge, I replaced an earlier entry with one I liked better, but there were several other similar photos I would have liked to have received feedback on before choosing the final one to submit.
It would be much more convenient for me if the deadline was Wednesday instead, that would give me time to sort through photos from the weekend and get feedback prior to submission.
Obviously this is biased for those who do most of their shooting on weekends, but I would assume that's the majority of people on this forum. Even if I have an idea of what I want to photograph long before the deadline, sometimes nature doesn't cooperate until Saturday or Sunday
What do you all think? Am I the only one that feels this way? Do I have to bribe Kerry? Or should there be a poll (in which case I have to bribe everybody?)

I do most of my shooting on the weekends, often at sunset and dusk on Sunday night (or I'm away Saturday and Sunday, or I'm on-call one of the two weekends and can't really get out much). Having the challenge period close on Monday morning makes it really difficult to process those photos in time and pretty much impossible to get any feedback before submission.
In some cases the photo I ended up submitting wasn't my favorite one that I took during the challenge period because I ran out of time. In this current challenge, I replaced an earlier entry with one I liked better, but there were several other similar photos I would have liked to have received feedback on before choosing the final one to submit.
It would be much more convenient for me if the deadline was Wednesday instead, that would give me time to sort through photos from the weekend and get feedback prior to submission.
Obviously this is biased for those who do most of their shooting on weekends, but I would assume that's the majority of people on this forum. Even if I have an idea of what I want to photograph long before the deadline, sometimes nature doesn't cooperate until Saturday or Sunday

What do you all think? Am I the only one that feels this way? Do I have to bribe Kerry? Or should there be a poll (in which case I have to bribe everybody?)
I like your idea, Ron, I'd vote for it!
I've fallen victim to last minute shooting/processing on the Sunday before the challenge ended also and found that trying to rush through a couple hundred shots to process them and pick the best one to be a bit unenjoyable! Would be nice if weekend shooters (especially West Coast, cause I'm not getting up before 5am!!) had another day or two to process and get some feedback before the challenge period ended.
Wait... am I still eligible for a bribe now?!
SmugMug QA
My Photos
Seriously though, it doesn't affect me but I definitely see the logic.
EF-S 18-55mm
EF 75-300mm
No, but seriously, you do have a full weekend built into the contest period. What's the difference? Someone's always going to whinge "oh, but wednesday mornings are my yoga class, and it starts early, and tuesday nights CSI is on..."
waaa waaaa.
I must say though, this is maybe the longest we've gone without someone suggesting a day change.
What he said.
Folks, I'm waiting to get through running my first Mega-Challenge (which is coming up after round 24!) before I even start to think about any changes I may or may not want to make. Right now, Mondays work really well for me (I do work full time during the day, and my Mondays are less hectic in the morning than my Wednesdays), so I don't see that changing, but I'll chew on the suggestion. :food
In the meantime, let me get through a couple more rounds so I feel I have a good grasp on everything before we go upheaving things.
im looking for the number receipt thingy..."212":wow wow i do have a long hahahaha
but seriously... anything that helps you in this challenge im against.
btw,your new
Oh wow!! That must be nice!! Can I come work with you?!
SmugMug QA
My Photos
Sure! Especially now. All my publication deadlines have collided into a fun two weeks.
The start time change was cool, I'm a bit further east so from my point of view the deadline went from 7 am to 3 pm
I offer a reasonable suggestion based on the premise that most people in this forum shoot mostly on the weekends, and following from that, it would make more sense to have a Wed-Wed entry period to allow sufficient time for processing and feedback.
Your counterargument is that someone could find an issue with any challenge period, and as such, the challenge period should remain Mon-Mon because that's how it is, and that a single imaginary hypothetical person may find issue with changing it due to yoga/CSI conflicts, even though several *real* people have agreed that it would make sense to move it for *real* reasons.
"Because that's how it is" is not a reason to keep doing something.
There may be plenty of valid reasons for keeping a Mon-Mon period (in fact, Kerry offered one), but you didn't provide any.
Perhaps my premise is wrong, maybe most people here don't shoot on the weekends, or most people would prefer Mon-Mon for some reason, that's fine, but let's hear those reasons.
The notion that I'm procrastinating the weekend before is ridiculous. I shoot photos every weekend. With nature photography especially, the light and subjects don't always cooperate, which is what makes it frustrating, and also what makes it rewarding when they do. They might cooperate more on the second Sunday than the first. I wish they cooperated on every day of the week, but they don't.
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
also, the waaa waaa's are prolly more directed to all the past whinings... i dont think its directed toward you personally....
you gotta realize one thing... you came into the challenges after the aftermath of whinings and wantings and i would guess Doc likes to end threads like this early... and sometimes people read one way or the other....
Sorry, I'm just a bit touchy about this. You see, I received my fair share of "Can't we change this?", "Can't we do that" type of stuff. After giving up hours of your own personal valued time, it kinda leaves you feeling that people aren't appreciating what you're giving them (time, energy, and let's not forget omitting yourself from playing). It kinda leaves you with a bitter taste, and what we ALL really ought to be saying is a massive THANK YOU to both Kerry and Doc for all of their hard work, thought and dedictation.
I'll get down off my soap box now. Yes, it is a time squeeze on that last day, but that's what makes it a CHALLENGE!
1st it's the Macaw Thingy and now you go and suggest
a CHANGE !!!
I'm mean man that's Whack even my Egrets think your ...........
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Once I'm settled, I promise to listen to suggestions. I may not take them all, or any, but I promise to listen. If any of the suggestions look like they're going to interfere with my schedules or life offline, well, it's very likely I won't be implementing them. I can either run things at times and in ways that allow me to be active and present here, or I can't run them at all. It's really that simple. :cool
Haha, Benjamin you have an egret photo for every situation
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
When I see "whine" and "waaaa" and "procrastinator" all together, I'm going to react the same way every time. There are ways to articulate one's thoughts without being an ass. You're right though, I'm missing the historical context, but I would say most people reading that response without that context would feel the same way I did.
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
Thanks Emily, I don't mean to sound unappreciative of the work Kerry and Doc (and you) put in, and I'm more than willing to live with Mon-Mon. Like I said, I don't have all the historical context, I was just throwing an idea out there, but I don't think Doc's response was appropriate, sorry.
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
That's more than fair Kerry. I didn't mean to come across as demanding this change, I was simply making a suggestion. If it can't work within your schedule, or there are other reasons to keep it as Mon-Mon, that's fine. I was just throwing out the idea as I thought it may be beneficial for participants of the challenges.
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
Mate, get over yourself! It's called humor and sarcasm - you know, things that normally come with friendly contests? I don't really appreciate being called an ass for lightening things up and making sure this contest has lived on for years now.
My Turn, My Turn.......>> Since she said she will consider requests.. and since we are putting them in now.. I have one..
How about free donuts for whoever posts the most?
Just Kidding...:D Trying to liven it up a bit ya know..
I just love this group.. Everyone has been so kind and helpful...
I am sure I will get on your nerves soon enough though... I am so looking forward to it..:) (Grin)
thats it! thanks a freaking lot Kat!:patch diet out the window!... now i have to sneak over to the donut shop tonight....
ooooops... he he he he he he he...Bahhahahahahaa...
you know here in the South, just moved her a few years ago from Colorado.. I actually saw a place called I
enjoy your donuts..
Erik, I see you're finally grasping the finer points of the language down under - good on ya.:D
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how about I get like 20 bonus votes per round if i am one of the finalists.
I just need to enter more often than once. and then the 20 votes should make me a shoe in for at least the top 9.
also, can we make the prize $1 million usd, in cash please.
2x White Lightning x1600 | 580 EXII
Sekonic L-358 | 2x Pocket Wizard II | TC-80N3 Remote Shutter
oh and I vote one million in donuts for prize..
ok I better stop before she boots me off of here, and get to work on that next contest.. fun fun.. good luck everyone...
Coffee sounds good too... but maybe I will have chocolate milk. Coffee with all my meds would have me buzzed really good (or bad...) :wow
My SmugMug
You guys need to slide on over to the mini challenge.. Check out that pic of that Kid eating a donut.. Now that is a donut:jawdrop Is it really that big or is that a trick of the lens perspective?
OMGOSH.. Looks like donuts are here to stay on the DG.. hehe...