#24 Final choices

Ok, so here are the final versions I've come up with. I like/have reservations about each for different reasons and am struggling to pick a version ... Thoughts?
1. "Soft" version, As posted in earlier thread

2. Halfway between the soft and sharp versions (I layer blended them, particularly to bring out more detail in the lace)

3. Blended w/Coloured eyes

4. Blended w/coloured eyes and lips
1. "Soft" version, As posted in earlier thread

2. Halfway between the soft and sharp versions (I layer blended them, particularly to bring out more detail in the lace)

3. Blended w/Coloured eyes

4. Blended w/coloured eyes and lips

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A lot of help I am, huh?
ok... I looked again.. 2 - definately 2 for me.
My SmugMug
Lauren Blackwell
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I have to agree that 2 is the best out of this pick..
This one is FUN!!! :ivar
I think I'd print number two though and hang it up. It's cool but like Sean said 2 fits better.